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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/12 4:54:13 Edit(编辑)
Yahoo: World Cup champion Brazil,

Yahoo: World Cup champion Brazil,

Yahoo: World Cup champion Brazil-2014 World Cup, Brazil World Cup, Brazil, World Cup, World Cup predictions, Yahoo-IT news Yahoo: World Cup champion Brazil

The World Cup is about to begin, and Yahoo's Chief Executive, Marissa Mayer (Marissa Mayer) research teams already know who the eventual champion is: Brazil. Yahoo says they use the light blogging website Tumblr data to estimate the advantages of each national team and figure out which team is most likely to win at the end. Yahoo team's analysis was based on the premise that Tumblr all discussions there is valuable information about the World Cup.

"Football fan was very noisy," said Yahoo's team of scientists. "But fans isn't just noise in the stadium, they will be released on various social media freedom of expression and opinion. Although you might think that the fans cheer was sounded on a social media speaker, but if you listen carefully, you will find a lot of valuable data--including the most important answer to the question: who will win? ”

Yahoo Group say that they had selected from 83.1 billion articles Tumblr blog 188.9 million articles for analysis, from February to May, they focus on 27.3 million articles and the World Cup, "related posts". "In order to find out which countries will fight each other, our values must be assigned to each team advantage. "The research group said. "These values are calculated based on each race, offers the most typical score. ”

For each tournament, company will use different parameters Poisson distribution of probability theory to estimate the number of goals each team may, for example, "with World Cup-related posts that were mentioned in the national team", and "in football-related posts that were mentioned in the national team." For example, Yahoo predicted Germany would beat Portugal, while Spain beat the Netherlands. Using this system, Yahoo figure out the end of the World Cup--Brazil.

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