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published in(发表于) 2016/4/26 8:37:12 Edit(编辑)
Men strong hot police girls, and 76 times phone 110 final tragedy

Men strong hot police girls, and 76 times phone 110 final tragedy(男子强撩警察妹子不成,76次电话骚扰110最后悲剧,)



Men strong hot police girls, and 76 times phone 110-110 last tragedy, phone-IT news

Huishui County men, dragons were "boring," dozens of times to Dial 110 calls and female officers "dating", seriously affecting the normal 110 alarm. Yesterday, Dragon is summoned and detained by the police according to law on 10th.

Long 35 years old. On April 21, idle long Dial 110 calls for help, female police officer asked his address and names and evasive when hung up the phone. Long sound of female police officers, again ask for female police phone number Dial 110, with a female police officer "on friends," began after being refused for different reasons multiple times in succession, call 110 harassment or abusive police officers.

On checking, long from April 21 to April 23, Dial 110 to call up to 76 times for no reason, huishui, swift police investigation of the incident, 23rd in the town of good bonuses eventually find the Dragon himself. In a huishui County Public Security Bureau of Lian Jiang police station, Dragon truthfully confessed by bored malicious call harassment 110 call illegal facts.

男子强撩警察妹子不成,76次电话骚扰110最后悲剧 - 110,电话骚扰 - IT资讯




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