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published in(发表于) 2016/7/18 6:42:09 Edit(编辑)
CCTV’s comment: a word not be cut? Our “negative rights“ be safeguarded,

CCTV’s comment: a word not be cut? Our “negative rights“ be safeguarded,(央视评论:一言不合就被砍?我们的“差评权”谁来保障,)



CCTV's comment: a word not be cut? Our "negative rights" be safeguarded-bad review, hungry-IT information

On July 18, recently for an article with a insult bad review, Jinan, Shandong, a mobile ordering software users are "hungry" platform on the store armed with a knife stabbed , left eyebrow bone and right collarbone, right thumb, index finger injuries stitched 19 stitches. "Hungry Mody boss cut man" event is raised for a hot meal ordering software security issues.

In response to these reports, CCTV commentator Wang Jian said today issued a consumers enjoy the right to give bad reviews and consumer "negative rights" should also establish institutional safeguards, so that consumers and businesses no longer face the risk of malicious revenge.

"Negative rights" require institutional protection, not only to establish "privacy protection" mechanisms and evaluation mechanism to reform, eliminate business rivalry. "Negative rights", online shopping platform to continue upgrading and innovation, enhance consumer evaluation of the effectiveness of the mechanisms. For both repeated online shopping "online not offline choke" problem, regulators also need to attach great importance to, and maintaining market fairness.

Following is the full text of the article:

Bad review risk rate caution! "Murder caused by a bad review" although extreme, but exactly the same and repeated incidents of harassment of consumers of businesses in recent years, many consumers shudder. I can still "happily" give businesses bad reviews? Consumer evaluation mechanism for how best to effect this?

"Bad review-phobia" take the right medicine

Once upon a time, consumer e-commerce platform evaluation mechanism is a major change. "The customer is God" was originally aimed at physical stores, when you e-commerce booming, many consumers of online shopping but still doubt: if buying a fake on the Internet or products exist quality problems, how do I protect their interests?

This concern with consumer evaluation mechanisms appear, gradually disappeared. The hands of "negative rights" consumers are not trampled upon in the online shopping process. A difference in assessment, tend to be small shops have great destructive power. Because of this, network personage hate bad reviews, away from the plague.

However, with the development of e-commerce to flourish, the years consumer evaluation mechanism lacks innovation, problems mechanism itself is becoming increasingly prominent. On one hand, "calling you", "send ghost money" businesses such as vulgar retaliation was not satisfied with the shopping experience by many consumers, but they dare not give businesses on business impact assessment. The other hand, many businesses face a number of malicious harassment of consumers, for example, with "bad review" bargain to coerce, or even want to eat the "free lunch".

Even more worried is that the "professional bad review Division" host team gradually, and relies on the consumer evaluation of defects in the mechanism, and erode business and consumer customers. It serves, "bad review-phobia", online shopping platform, and regulators are supposed to prescribe the consumer evaluation mechanisms must be secondary innovation .

? Chengdu man network order to bad reviews by the wrath of the businesses hit the door

"Negative rights" require institutional protection

How can online merchants face shortage also allow consumers to "negative rights" be effectively protected? Key measures to establish a system of protection, so that consumers and businesses no longer face the risk of malicious revenge.

First, the "privacy protection" mechanisms should be established . Currently consumers travel-rating at the same time, often faces the telephone, address and other personal information, "streaking" situation. Despite the need to provide appropriate information to the business of online shopping, but gives "bad review" whether through technical means, ensure that anonymous speech?

Secondly, whether reform evaluation mechanisms, eliminating the business rivalry . A bad review, whether objective or not, can often be ruined small shops a few months of hard work. Because of this, the network business is so mind "bad review". In many cases, consumers in the evaluation of a word not even curse each other, however businesses dare not respond online. Can reform evaluation mechanisms to allow consumers to evaluate back objectively and rationally true? For example, using large data means "professional bad review teacher" expulsion "God" of the team. Adjusting the weights, not let a bad review does not become a nightmare for businesses, consumers, "repeated bad review" spurred business tool. Meanwhile, determines the evaluation cycle, let a bad review does not impact too long, businesses also have chances of rehabilitation.

Risk bad reviews online shopping platform not to do without

"A word not just comment on" consumer powers, is also urging businesses effective means of improving service. "Negative rights", online shopping platform cannot stand aloof, and to continuously upgrade and innovation, enhance consumer evaluation of the effectiveness of the mechanisms. For both repeated online shopping "online not offline choke" problem, regulators also need to attach great importance to, and maintaining market fairness.

Only by joint efforts of all parties, consumer evaluation mechanisms can play an effective role, also would let "bad review" as a weapon for businesses to continuously improve service quality!

央视评论:一言不合就被砍?我们的“差评权”谁来保障 - 差评,饿了么 - IT资讯
















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