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published in(发表于) 2016/4/10 8:07:43 Edit(编辑)
Girl was caught stealing friends mobile phone: asked why parents so well,

Girl was caught stealing friends mobile phone: asked why parents so well,(少女偷好友手机被抓:反问为何别人父母那么好,)



Girl was caught stealing friends mobile phone: asked why parents so well-phone girl-IT information

14 rebel girl make up poor life sympathy, 12 year old friends as if they were sisters staying a "sister" home stretch half a year following the black hand "sister", was caught by police and ask, "why people's parents so well, my parents are so poor? "Not long ago, fangchenggang city, Guangxi Dongxing border police properly handled a minor theft case.

November 2015, the 12 year old girl Lin Lin on the Internet know a 14 year old girl Pumbaa, the two really hit it off, often on the QQ chat, they have got to become good friends. Pumbaa tell Ringling their parents had passed away, usually with her grandmother and uncle lived, life was very difficult. After good Ringling know, often invited Peng to come home and play, and sometimes at home for the night. Lin Lin's mother, Chan told her Peng Peng was "life experience" quite a pity, especially watching her skinny body, think of the experience of his father, who died as a child, it is felt, as regards her as his own daughter, and took her to play her pocket money, this year's Spring Festival also brought her back to her hometown in Guangdong province for the new year.

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Before the qingming Festival, Pumbaa once again to "sister" play, on April 5, however, Pumbaa is forest alone at home phone and 305 cash in the bag were stolen. Came home to find mobile phones and money was stolen, suspected was stolen by Pumbaa forest and mother, but she calls it off, touch response saying "not I". In desperation, the forest had to call the police, the home of the relatives also went out to help find Pumbaa.

Around 21 o'clock in the evening, Lin Lin's uncle in Dongxing road, near the traffic lights see Pumbaa, took her to the police station. To the police station later, Pumbaa was afraid, and cried. When the police asked her why she stole , she cried: " why people's parents so well, and I was so bad . "The investigation, Pumbaa's parents are living and working in the ports of fangchenggang city, there are four or five brothers and sisters, Pumbaa, rebellious, unwilling to study, and often ran away from home. I met on the Internet after the Ringling and found two people are talking, feeling like his sister, but forest family found in the contact process conditions are relatively good, cause she is jealous, before stealing mobile phones and pocket money from the forest.

Because of Pumbaa's parents the night unable to as part of the police station, his mother came to the police station until the morning of April 6, Lin Lin and her mother went to the police station, the police inform both parents will be investigated in a timely manner. Understand the situation, Lin Lin and her mother and they knew that they had been tricked, Peng Peng's family did, but given the difficult, and also young, mobile phones have also returned, and forgave her, and urge the police not to take her responsibilities, and requested the police to educate her, after she went astray. Subsequently, the police legal knowledge education to Pumbaa, Pumbaa recognizes his mistake and sincerely apologize to Lin Lin and Chen, successful handling of cases.

少女偷好友手机被抓:反问为何别人父母那么好 - 手机,少女 - IT资讯







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