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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/8/24 8:18:13 Edit(编辑)
Net sales “phone girl“ services, online buzz,

Net sales “phone girl“ services, online buzz,

Net sales "phone girl" service, netizens Buzz-Mobile phone-girlfriend, chatting service, chatting-IT news
Net sales "phone girl" service, netizens buzz

"Don't really love me, I'm just your mobile pet, also will have to pay. "A few days ago, users of" Strawberry King "(network name) in his renren page 's" phone-girlfriend statement of use "to issue such reminders. According to the "Strawberry King" introduction, which mainly consisted of identity chatting to his girlfriend, through letters, text messages, phone calls and other means. Currently, Taobao has many stores engaged in similar business, due to the difficulty of defining service content, prone to disputes between buyer and seller, in addition to lawyers also reminded, the practitioners there is danger of being harassed by the customer for that service.

Women follow avatars "phone girl"

Recently, a "phone-girlfriend statement of use" 24 years old girl from Zhejiang "Strawberry King" became a hot Online topic. In this note, she offers a pre-paid chatting service, but service was limited to mobiles (SMS and micro-letters, phone calls), and chatting time is 12:00-24:00. As voice chat using typed or micro-letter, charge 20 Yuan per hour, chatting up to 2 hours per day for each customer, 1160 Yuan monthly; such as talking on the telephone, pay 30 yuan per hour, chatting up 1 hour a day per customer; micro-30 yuan/times video service, a maximum of 10 minutes each time. The note also revealed that customers can choose the type of girlfriend, like ruhuasiyu fan (network terminology, refers to the appearance, size and type of mature young women. ) Or Laurie wind (Internet language, says the little girl. ), But her particular chatting may not pornographic content, will be black, and do not refund prepaid expenses.

For this new business, "Wang Strawberry" said it is to follow suit. She saw a few days ago a friend forwarded the contents there is a screenshot in figure was in a shop on Taobao business phone his girlfriend. "It seemed fun to see screenshots, can't believe it can make money. Try holding the mind, cannot figure out one, and did not expect business actually. Opened 3 days up to now, I've had seven or eight single business, accounted for more than 800 Yuan. "She said.

Many customers under 30 years old single male

"Strawberry King" said current customers to 20-30 single male-dominated, chat content for complaining about working or studying in the unpleasant things. Each time you encounter such a situation, she would try to comfort and enlighten them. However, customers would ask her personal questions, for example, they almost always ask if she has a boyfriend, and she will then circle back to customer issues as much as possible themselves, to avoid too much talk about their personal problems.

"So far, the chat are fine, they have not put forward any extravagant claims. "She said," there is only one customer asked me to communicate with the whine sound adorable sister, no problem. Was it written on my mission statement but ruhuasiyu loli. ”

Never thought possible harassment

When a reporter asked about ever troublesome clients, she wanted to say: "the troubles alone, is to have a guest I don't really like it. ”

She told reporters he agreed with the client and service is limited to phone his girlfriend when a customer purchases a time to communicate with each other, but there is a customer always sent a message to her from time to time, do nothing to find words to talk to her, which makes her feel very tired. "This guy makes me feel uncomfortable, but the customer, you also get angry with someone. "Some of her frustration.

"Do you ever, harassed potential customers. "The reporter asks. "In the business description, I said, I can pull the black them, and do not refund prepaid expenses. "She was emboldened, not worried at all.

"Do you want to get a little easier. Customers of harassment may not only remain at the message level, such as constantly calls you on the telephone, and even track your address requires communication. "Journalists continue to cross-examine.

"Oh, no. I think that society is more than good. "She hesitated, but still are more optimistic.

"Have you thought about talking for a long time, customers ask for more, or you fall in love with your clients. "The reporter asks. "I'm sure I don't fall in love with the customer. The professionalism I definitely want to have. "She was almost without a moment's thought, it certainly gives the answer.


Service is hard to define, prone to disputes

Reporter search in Taobao found, currently offers similar cell phone girl service shop at least hundreds of charges with "Strawberry King" fee-charging standards differ, probably similar to the services provided. In a top-selling shops, reporters saw the service had sold 418, after evaluation, 103.

Although most evaluations are considered good, and still others think sister humorous conversation can help reduce stress at work, but also sees a customer because of dissatisfaction with the service, quarrelled with the store. The customer said, after your payment, sister of service is not satisfactory to him, totally inconsistent with the description of services, but refused when he asked the store for a refund. Subsequently, in this regard, he started war with the shopkeeper in the comments section.

In this connection, counsel Hu Hairong believes that cell phone girlfriends chatting service belong to something new, now legally and without the corresponding constraint clause. Due to the difficulty of defining service content, both buyers and sellers should be wary. He advise practitioners on the one hand you want to self regulate service content protection will also have to pay attention to their own safety, not to give away too much personal privacy to avoid anti-being harassed.

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