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published in(发表于) 2016/4/3 6:18:40 Edit(编辑)
“Banning power“ cry express little brother? Shenzhen traffic police court,

“Banning power“ cry express little brother? Shenzhen traffic police court,(“禁摩限电”坑哭快递小哥?深圳交警出招,)



"Banning power" cry express little brother? Shenzhen traffic police moves-Shenzhen, express-IT information

On April 3, recently, Shenzhen "banning power" began a new round of concentration and control . It is reported that this action is mainly in order to put an end to State-related traffic accidents and ensure the smooth passage of motor vehicles and commercial vehicles fair competition, however, has caused heated discussion on the network, because the industry is affected, quite serious.

Known, Shenzhen as national line city one of, city population many, network purchased developed, again plus national well-known of China strong North, daily need posted and sent out of package volume natural is quite amazing, and the "ban motorcycle power" action, is led to large sent pieces vehicles can't road delivery and received pieces, many express company said day received pieces volume declined obviously, express personnel appeared loss.

Now, Shenzhen traffic police official to respond to the matter, said the current industry situation very seriously and announced 5,000 more record quota for the express industry.

Of course, increasing quotas may temporarily ease the pressure on the industry, but from another perspective, if the "no power" a serious impact on the express industry, also means that the industry currently measures there is a potential safety hazard?

“禁摩限电”坑哭快递小哥?深圳交警出招 - 深圳,快递 - IT资讯





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