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published in(发表于) 2016/6/12 10:11:26 Edit(编辑)
Staff computer stores had been discriminated against, wrath of the anchorman of the fighting fish hit 10,005 to the new computer,

Staff computer stores had been discriminated against, wrath of the anchorman of the fighting fish hit 10,005 to the new computer,(被电脑卖场服务员歧视,斗鱼主播怒砸1万5新电脑,)



Staff computer stores had been discriminated against, anchorman of the wrath of the anchorman of the fighting fish hit 10,005 to the new computer-Lenovo-IT information

IT information news on June 12, a betta anchor anger in recent days hit new Lenovo ThinkPad notebook video circulated on the Internet, and just because the anchor was clerk discrimination by Association.

It is learnt that the day of the Dragon Boat Festival (June 9) a fish host and friends went to a digital store to buy a computer for live, passing Lenovo ThinkPad counter friction with the clerk, originally the anchor was told no photos, then were verbal provocations "what does a phone ... This cock-like master multicast? ”

After the anchor to calm the mood outside the shop before they are back in the shop, and offered to buy a shop's most expensive ThinkPad notebooks, clerk confirmed sold many times the anchor a new ThinkPad that cost 14999 X1 Carbon, then anchor asked the Clerk: "this computer is mine, right? "Appears after the video hit the computer scene.

After the anchors on Twitter posting and @ThinkPad micro-message: "anchor will not be easy, usually live to be scolded. Buy a computer from your discrimination too? "Which won many netizens support.

Now, with the rise of online shopping, traditional electronics stores have been a great shock, perhaps it is time to redress the overall attitude, improve the quality of employees.

What do you think of this thing?

被电脑卖场服务员歧视,斗鱼主播怒砸1万5新电脑 - 主播,联想 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月12日消息,近日一则斗鱼主播怒砸全新联想ThinkPad笔记本的视频在网上流传开来,而起因只是因为该主播被联想店员歧视。


之后该主播先到店外平复心情后回到店中,并提出要购买一台店中最贵的ThinkPad笔记本,店员在经过多次确认后卖给了该主播一台售价14999元的新款ThinkPad X1 Carbon,随后主播询问店员:“这电脑是我的了吧?”,之后就出现了视频中砸电脑的一幕。




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