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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/6 12:32:02 Edit(编辑)
Couple quit playing online games people earning $ 50,000, thousands of blocking an account,

Couple quit playing online games people earning $ 50,000, thousands of blocking an account,(夫妻辞职玩网游月入5万,上千账号被封,)

Couple quit playing online games people earning $ 50,000, thousands of online games-blocking an account, Pro, online gaming account-IT information Couple quit playing online games people earning $ 50,000, thousands of blocking an account

Players prosecution claims million

Dali County people's Court for the first time to hear cases involving virtual property, in May this year after a trial in the case has not yet handed down

"My syllabary game account was blocked, millions of dollars of losses. "On December 4, Dali Mr song said that OCs swam him 8 years ago and later and his wife both quit their jobs, after from amateur to the pros, and earn about 50,000 yuan. However, in July 2012, the song registered over thousands of online gaming accounts were frozen by the game company, after inconclusive consultations with the other party, who will the gaming company to court in Sichuan province.

▲ Figure as Mr song is your own rented room in which to play the game

Quit his job to become a full-time player

Who lives in Chengguan town North New Street song in Dali County, 36, 2005 begin with online games, many game someone else takes four or five days to get clearance, he spent two days at the most, can handle it. "At that time, feel like I play the game has a lot of talent. "Mr song said with a smile.

After the game's got talent, song met a games of "merchants", due to his equipage, rank higher in the "businessman" with the introduction of, he helped lower-grade player upgrade, is also the beginning of his life to making money through online games. In this way, less than half a year, he got to know many "customers" to build up his own "reputation net". His monthly salary is 800 Yuan, while playing the game can get him two thousand or three thousand increase in dollars per month.

In 2008, he did not hesitate to quit for 10 years, and became a full-time player.

Before the account was blocked earned 50,000 yuan per month

In June 2009, a new company out of a game in Chengdu, song signed up for two accounts, each account can receive 3 role, a character song for two or three days so we could get them promoted to the level, the level CAP to earn game money sold for profit. Mr song said, props of other areas where the players need to improve their skills or rank, having earned in the game he'll sell them. At that time, by playing the game, he can earn 5,000 yuan a month. Shortly thereafter, song 3 account is registered, his wife Chen quit her waitress job, before he became half under the guidance of professional players, the couple "shifts", 24 hour sell props.

After 10 months, they then fired 10 investment account, and also to earn generous rewards. By 2011, more than Mr song dealing with authentication account has up to more than 1000, often used prepaid 500 accounts. Dropped his monthly play fixed investment, earned a net profit of about 50,000 dollars a month. Reporters by viewing the last May and June George between the industrial and commercial bank and PayPal cash records, confirmed his income statement.

However, on July 4 last year, George suddenly realized that all online gaming account will be permanently frozen. Customer service call he immediately asked the other side said Mr song "illegal registration" and "hack". Mr song said he is using his identity confirmed registered, there is no illegal use of the plug-in.

Song's wife, Chan said, a role to make money on the investment they need to cost 200 Yuan, 800 500 accounts takes cost about $ 160,000 worth of roles. Finally, following consultations with the game several times, they unlock their account 5.

On August 6 last year, song the couple online game company to court, require online game companies to recover all of its sign, and compensation account each role during the stop virtual currency earnings of millions of dollars.

The Court: the first trial of such cases

As soon as judgment

In May this year, Dali County people's Court for trial, because of virtual property in network game against infringement disputes arising from a case can be heard, but did not sentence the Court. "Distance for half a year now, has not been explained in advance. "Mr song said.

Court trial, the online gaming Division lawyer said Mr song "hack" and "illegal registration", in breach of the agreement, and therefore his account frozen. Mr song said, all of your account is to register with real names, in addition there is no Botting. Yesterday afternoon, a telephone contact Jinshan digital entertainment technology, Chengdu customer service, but the other party has not been given the reply.

For this case, Deputy Director of the Dali County people's Court named Sun says, the case belonged to the new types of cases, in Dali was heard for the first time. Since the law on online game virtual property violated no clearly stated that before and after the trial, they transfer such cases in other parts, as a reference. At present, the collegial panel on initial views, is to check with weinan city intermediate people's Court, if there are no objections, verdict will as soon as possible.


夫妻辞职玩网游月入5万,上千账号被封 - 网游,职业玩家,网游账号 - IT资讯





















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