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AlphaGo worship the founder! Master the world of computer algorithm,

AlphaGo worship the founder! Master the world of computer algorithm,(AlphaGo膜拜祖师!影响计算机算法世界的十位大师,)



AlphaGo worship the founder! Effects master the world of computer algorithms-algorithms, AlphaGo-IT information

Editor's note recently, Google AlphaGo artificial intelligence Robot Wars Korea go chess master Li Shishi press became popular, "Alfa Laval dog" has been able to repeatedly beat Li Shishi, in the final analysis algorithm is it good. Google today who should we pay tribute to the achievements of artificial intelligence? Information IT thinks AlphaGo should be able to worship the Patriarch should be below 10-bit computer algorithms.

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-The masters of the world of the original computer algorithms written in 2006.

1, the great sage--Don E.Knuth, Chinese name: Gartner

(1938-), pioneer of algorithm and program design. Oh,God! Some foreign websites said of him. In General, programmers don't know this person is unforgivable. The classic works of the art of computer programming is known as the algorithm the "real" Bible, like KMP and LR (k) this amazing algorithm, this book can be found everywhere. It is no wonder that even Bill Gates said: "If you can do all the exercises in the book, directly to Microsoft to work on it! ”

Don E.Knuth himself, received countless awards and honors in his life, including the Turing Award, United States National Science Award, United States mathematical society Steele (AMS Steel Prize), as well as the invention of advanced technology was awarded the highly respected Kyoto Prize (KyotoPrize), and so on, and has written 19 books and more than 160 papers, every work can be described as far-reaching. Don E.Knuth was recognized as the United States one of the most intelligent people. Then when he was in College, and often wrote a wide variety of compiler to earn extra money, as long as he is in the programming contest, is always the first name, is also rare in the world of programming of more than 40 years one of the programmers. He is a leading authority on technology and science, but was unquestionably writing masters, technical articles, slanting silhouettes style fine, explained a thorough, clear thinking and no pedant, I guess that is one reason referred to as the Bible of the art of computer programming.

2, the Chief is judge Udi Manber

There is such a strange position in the world? For Amazon and Google, however, it doesn't seem curious at all. Udi Manber, the ex-Amazon's "Chief be judges" is now Google Vice President in charge of engineering. He studies WWW applications, searching, and hiding behind this design. In the meantime, he and others developed the Agrep, Glimpse, Harvest and other search software on Unix. In 1998, the Udi became Chief Scientist of Yahoo!. In 2002, Amazon creatively to the Udi "Chief is judge" positions, and Udi Amazon "SearchInside the Book" work done by the search items complement each other.

Udi but also because of his Introduction to Algorithms--A Creative Approach are laudable.

3, humble, elderly--Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

Born in 1930 in Netherlands Amsterdam, 2002 died in Netherlands Newnan. He in his native Netherlands access to data and Bachelor of science in physics, PhD in theoretical physics, before retiring in 2000 has been a United States University of Texas Professor of computer science and mathematics. To find the shortest path in graph theory algorithms (Dijkstra algorithm) is known in 1972 because the second generation programming language, ALGOL was the Turing Award. "Go To StatementConsidered Harmful" (EWD215) classics is also widely spread. In addition to scientific research in addition to teaching of his favorite thing to do, being called " teaching 24 hours a day ," Professor.

, Not to mention the Dijkstra algorithm to compute science, the profound impact of the development of network science, from when in 1972 he won the Turing Award lecture, "The Humble Programmer" has to respect, when Supreme award in the computer science, Edgs Wybe Dijkstra said he still is but a humble ordinary programmers, how mind and among a few people in the world.

4, operations masters--George Dantizig

Are produced by their father's genius. George's father was Russian, was in France from the famous scientist Henri Poincare. He once recalled his own father: "when I was a middle school student, he asked me to make thousands of geometrical problem ... ... Train your brain to solve these problems is the greatest gift my father gave me. These geometrical problem, in the process of developing analytical capacity, play the most important role. ”

Studying at Berkeley when George was late for class one day, only to see two problems written on the Blackboard, he ought to be classroom work, then copy down the problem and how to answer them. Six months later, the teacher of the course--the famous statistician Jerzy Neyman--helped him finish the answer a bit, published papers,George finds himself solving the pending problems in the field of statistics.

George later achievements in operations research is extremely high, won include "von Neumann theory Prize", a lot of awards. He studied in the Linearprogramming book, and extensions of linear programming models, has made an indelible contribution to the development of the computer language . Days jealous of excellence, he died on May 13, 2005.

5, move the time forward people--James Cooley

(1926-) United States mathematician, Colombia University of mathematics Dr, to he by created of fast ft leaves transform (FFT) and famous, cannot fail to said is meaning extremely major, FFT of mathematics meaning not only is makes everyone understand has Fourier (Fourier) transform calculation up is how easy, and makes digital signal processing technology made has breakthrough of progress, for now of network communications, graphics image processing and so on field of development and forward lay has based. Fourier's significance lies in the electrical energy into the industry's lifeblood, the FFT is the meaning is that he pushed the whole process of social information. At IBM Research Center engaged in digital signal processing research until his retirement in 1992, he also is a member of IEEE digital signal processing Board. 1980 ASSP's Meritorious Service Award,1984 years get ASSP Society Award and the IEEE Centennial Medal.

6, father of FORTRAN--John Backus

Early years study at Hill School because you hate to learn, outsaid, I had to summer remedial classes. In 1943 he was asked by his father to study chemistry at the University of Virginia, then joined the army, care for the wounded, the medical school treatment of head injury, but finally gave up. But fortunately, Backus in New York after the war Colombia University to study mathematics and graduated in 1949. On the eve of graduation, he ran to the Madison Avenue's IBM computer center. Things happen, and tour guides talk Backus said he was looking for work, urged on by a tour guide, he and Center one executive interviews, and became an IBM? programmer.

Has been cast in IBM,Backus talent, invented the first high level language--FORTRAN in human history. Then, but also a specification for describing programming language syntax BNF. This year's "difference" was the whole computer world--certainly United States Association for computing machinery in 1977, granted to John Backus Turing Award.

7, pioneer in the practice of--Jon Bentley

Bachelor's degree in 1974 from Stanford University in 1976 and master's and doctoral degrees from the University of North Carolina. After graduation 6-year computer science courses at Carnegie Mellon University in 1982, Bell Laboratories. Retired in 2001 to join the Avaya Labs now, he used to work as a visiting scholar at the West Point Military Academy and Princeton University. His research interests include programming, algorithms, software tools, and interface design and so on.

He had written three books on programming, of which the most famous is covered from algorithm theory to Programming Pearls of various software engineering topics (of the programming pearls from his sayings), which are actually collections of articles published. In these articles, Jon from the engineering point of view, for the programmer to provide the solution to a difficult problem, like a shining pearl. Bentley pearls beyond the scope of reliable engineering, using his insight and creativity for those annoying offers a unique and ingenious solution to the problem.

8, Pascal--Nicklaus, the father of Wirth

If there is a person because of one sentence and be Turing Award, then this one should be NicklausWirth, this sentence is his famous formula "algorithms + data structures = programs". The formula's influence on computer science is sufficiently similar in physics, Einstein's "E=MC^2"--a formula showing the nature of the program.

Nicklaus Wirth,1934 born in Switzerland in 1963, PhD, at the University of California, Berkeley. After obtaining the doctorate is known for its high threshold directly recruited to work in the newly established Department of computer science at Stanford University. Success at Stanford University developed the Algol w and PL360, highly patriotic Nicklaus Wirth in 1967 and returned to Switzerland, the second year at his alma mater in Zurich Institute of technology he created and implemented the Pascal language--was one of the most popular languages in the world . Later, his students after graduating from Philipe Kahn and Anders Hejlsberg (father of Delphi) Borland company was started by Turbo Pascal, and soon became a Borland developed into the world's largest manufacturers of development work, it all had to say to be calculated charm of PASCAL language. PASCAL has influenced whole generations of programmers, Nicklaus Wirth also will continue to guide now and the future direction of programmers.

Narrator--Robert 9, algorithms Sedgewick

Is a Professor of computer science at Princeton University. He is also a Director of Adobe Systems, and as a visiting scholar at Xerox PARC, IDA and INRIA work. He earned a doctorate at Stanford University. His books include Algorithm in c, the Algorithm in C++, the Algorithm in Java series books, which reprinted many times. "No one can algorithms and data structures to explain better than Robert Sedgewick was clear and easy to understand! "Many have read his book, programmers say.

Now Robert is working on algorithms, data structures, algorithms, analysis of basic theory. He is good at mathematical methods to assess and predict performance, trying to find a common mechanism for algorithms and data structures, such as using approximation to find faster and more efficient algorithms. In addition, he will also combine algorithms and graphics, for example, using Visual methods to evaluate the efficiency, graphical simulation algorithm, used for publication high quality algorithm, and so on.

Sir 10, computer science--Tony Hoare

Born in 1934 in United Kingdom in 1959, PhD graduated from Russia at Moscow State University, Bachelor degree in language translation. Released in 1960 made him famous quicksort algorithm (Quick Sort), the algorithm is one of the most widely used method in the world.

Tony Hoare after the PhD, working at Elliott Brothers, where he led the design of Algol 60, the first commercial compiler and development, due to its excellent performance, and eventually became the company's chief scientist. Since 1977, Dr Tony Hoare Oxford University, engaged in computing research, design and development of precision. Due to the Algol 60 programming language theory, interactive systems and contribution to APL, in 1980 by the United States Association for computing machinery awarded "Turing Award".

In 1999, after he dropped out of the University of Oxford, Dr Tony Hoare was hired as a senior programmer by weiruanjianqiaoyanjiuyuan, weiruanjianqiaoyanjiuyuan the industrial application of the outcome of the work, as well as assisting other researchers in serving the software industry and users of long-term basic research projects. In 2000 because of its computer science and education contribution was knighted .

AlphaGo膜拜祖师!影响计算机算法世界的十位大师 - 算法,AlphaGo - IT资讯

编者按 最近,谷歌人工智能机器人AlphaGo大战韩国围棋大师李世石的新闻成了大热门,“阿法狗”之所以能够多次战胜李世石,归根结底是它的算法好。那么谷歌人工智能有今天的成就应该向谁致敬呢?IT资讯认为AlphaGo最应该膜拜的应该是以下10位计算机算法祖师。



1、伟大的智者——Don E.Knuth,中文名:高德纳

(1938-)算法和程序设计技术的先驱者。Oh,God!一些国外网站这样评价他。一般说来,不知道此人的程序员是不可原谅的。其经典著作《计算机程序设计艺术》更是被誉为算法中“真正”的圣经,像KMP和LR(K)这样令人不可思议的算法,在此书比比皆是。难怪连Bill Gates都说:“如果能做对书里所有的习题,就直接来微软上班吧!”

对于Don E.Knuth本人,一生中获得的奖项和荣誉不计其数,包括图灵奖,美国国家科学金奖,美国数学学会斯蒂尔将(AMS Steel Prize),以及发明先进技术荣获的极受尊重的京都奖(KyotoPrize)等等,写过19部书和160余篇论文,每一篇著作都能用影响深远来形容。Don E.Knuth也被公认是美国最聪明的人之一。当年他上大学的时候,常写些各种各样的编译器来挣外快,只要是他参加的编程比赛,总是第一名,同时也是世上少有的编程达到40年以上的程序员之一。他除了是技术与科学上的泰斗外,更是无可非议的写作高手,技术文章堪称一绝,文风细腻,讲解透彻,思路清晰而且没有学究气,估计这也是《计算机程序设计艺术》被称为圣经的原因之一。

2、首席算法官Udi Manber

世界上还有如此奇怪的职位?但是对于Amazon乃至Google来说,这一点也不奇怪。Udi Manber,这位前Amazon的“首席算法官”,现在是Google负责工程事务的副总裁。他研究WWW的应用程序、搜索以及隐藏在这背后的算法设计。在此期间,他与其他人共同开发了Agrep、Glimpse和Harvest等Unix上的搜索软件。1998年,Udi成为了Yahoo!的首席科学家。2002年,Amazon创造性地给了Udi“首席算法官”的职位,和Udi为Amazon的“SearchInside the Book”搜索项目所做的工作相得益彰。

Udi还因为他所著的Introduction to Algorithms——A Creative Approach而被大家称道。

3、谦逊的长者——Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

1930年出生于荷兰阿姆斯特丹,2002年逝世于荷兰纽南。他在祖国荷兰获得数据和物理学学士,理论物理博士学位,2000年退休前一直是美国Texas大学的计算机科学和数学教授。以发现了图论中的最短路径算法(Dijkstra算法)而闻名于世,1972年因为ALGOL第二代编程语言而获得图灵奖。“Go To StatementConsidered Harmful”(EWD215)也是被广为传颂的经典之作。除了科学研究之外,他最喜欢做的事情就是教学,被人称作“一天教学24小时”的教授。

且不说Dijkstra算法对计算科学,网络科学发展的深远影响,单从他在1972年获得图灵奖时的演讲“The Humble Programmer”就不得不肃然起敬,在获得计算机科学中至高无上的奖项时,Edgs Wybe Dijkstra仍然称自己不过是一个谦逊普通的程序员,何等胸襟,举世之中几人可比。

4、运筹学大师——George Dantizig

可谓是由父亲一手培养出的天才。George的父亲是俄国人,曾在法国师从著名的科学家Henri Poincare。他曾经这样回忆自己的父亲:“在我还是个中学生时,他就让我做几千道几何题……解决这些问题的大脑训练是父亲给我的最好礼物。这些几何题,在发展我分析能力的过程中,起了最最重要的作用。”

在伯克利学习的时候,有一天George上课迟到,只看到黑板上写着两个问题,他只当是课堂作业,随即将问题抄下来并做出解答。六个月后,这门课的老师——著名的统计学家Jerzy Neyman——帮助他把答案整理了一下,发表为论文,George这才发现自己解决了统计学领域中一直悬而未决的两个难题。

George后来在运筹学建树极高,获得了包括“冯诺伊曼理论奖”在内的诸多奖项。他在Linearprogramming and extensions一书中研究了线性编程模型,为计算机语言的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。天妒英才,他于2005年5月13日去世。

5、推动时代前进的人——James Cooley

(1926-)美国数学家,哥伦比亚大学的数学博士,以他所创造的快速傅立叶变换(FFT)而著名,不能不说是意义极其重大,FFT的数学意义不光在于使大家明白了傅立叶(Fourier)变换计算起来是多么容易,而且使得数字信号处理技术取得了突破性的进展,对于现在的网络通信,图形图像处理等等领域的发展与前进奠定了基础。Fourier变化的意义在于将电能变为了工业的命脉,而FFT的意义更是在于他推动了整个社会信息化的进程。在IBM研究中心中主要从事数字信号处理的研究一直到1992年退休,同时他还是IEEE的数字信号处理委员会的成员。1980年获得ASSP’s Meritorious Service Award,1984年获得ASSP Society Award以及IEEE Centennial Medal。

6、FORTRAN 之父——John Backus

早年在Hill School学习的时候因为讨厌学习,成绩一踏糊涂而不得不在暑假补课。1943年他在父亲的要求下到维吉尼亚大学学习化学,随后参军、照顾头部受伤的伤员、在医学学校学习治疗,可是最后又都放弃了。不过还好,战后Backus进入纽约哥伦比亚大学学习数学,并于1949年毕业。在毕业前夕,他跑到了麦迪逊大街的IBM计算机中心参观。事情凑巧,和导游聊天的时候Backus谈到自己正在找工作,在导游的鼓励下,他和中心一位主管的面谈,成为了一名IBM?的程序员

在IBM,Backus的才华得到了施展,发明了人类历史上第一个高级语言——FORTRAN。接着,又提出了规范描述编程语言语法的BNF。这位当年的“差生”终于被整个计算机世界肯定——美国计算机协会于1977年授予John Backus图灵奖。

7、实践探索先锋——Jon Bentley


他写作过三本编程书籍,其中最著名的就是涵盖从算法理论到软件工程各种主题的Programming Pearls(《编程珠玑》),这其实是他发表过的文章的合集。在这些文章里,Jon从工程实现的角度出发,为程序员们提供了一个个艰难问题的解决方案,犹如一颗颗闪闪发亮的珍珠。Bentley的珍珠超出了可靠工程学的范畴,利用他的洞察力和创造力为那些恼人的问题提供了独特而巧妙的解决方案。

8、Pascal之父——Nicklaus Wirth


Nicklaus Wirth,1934年出生于瑞士,1963年在加州大学伯克利分校取得博士学位。取得博士学位后直接被以高门槛著称的斯坦福大学聘到刚成立的计算机科学系工作。在斯坦福大学成功的开发出Algol W以及PL360后,爱国心极强的Nicklaus Wirth于1967年回到祖国瑞士,第二年在他的母校苏黎世工学院他创建与实现了Pascal语言——当时世界上最受欢迎的语言之一。后来他的学生Philipe Kahn毕业后和Anders Hejlsberg(Delphi之父)创办了Borland公司靠Turbo Pascal起家,很快成为了将Borland发展成为全球最大的开发工作厂商,这一切都不得不说要归工于PASCAL语言的魅力。PASCAL已经影响了整整几代的程序员,Nicklaus Wirth的思想还将会继续指引现在和以后的程序员前进的方向。

9、算法的讲解者——Robert Sedgewick

是普林斯顿大学的计算机科学教授。他还是Adobe Systems的一名主管,也曾作为访问学者在Xerox PARC、IDA和INRIA工作。他在斯坦福大学获得博士学位。他的著作包括Algorithm in C、Algorithm in C++、Algorithm in Java等系列书籍,这些都再版多次。“没有人能够将算法和数据结构解释得比Robert Sedgewick更清楚易懂了!”很多读过他著作的程序员这样说。


10、计算机领域的爵士——Tony Hoare

1934年出生于英国,1959年博士毕业于俄罗斯莫斯科国立大学,获得语言机器翻译专业学士学位。1960年发布了使他闻名于世的快速排序算法(Quick Sort),这个算法也是当前世界上使用最广泛的算法之一。

Tony Hoare在取得博士学位后,就职于Elliott Brothers,领导了Algol 60第一个商用编译器的设计与开发,由于其出色的成绩,最终成为该公司首席科学家。从1977年开始,Tony Hoare博士任职于牛津大学,投身于计算系统的精确性的研究、设计及开发。因其对Algol 60程序设计语言理论、互动式系统及APL的贡献,1980年被美国计算机协会授予“图灵奖”。

1999年在牛津大学退学后,Tony Hoare博士被微软剑桥研究院聘请担任高级程序员,从事微软剑桥研究院研究生成果的工业化应用的工作,以及协助其它研究人员进行服务于软件产业及用户的长期基础研究项目。2000年因为其在计算机科学与教育上做出的贡献被封为爵士

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