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published in(发表于) 2016/8/26 8:56:29 Edit(编辑)
Telecommunications fraud, data fraud if you “cheat death“ sent to how many years of college students? ,

Telecommunications fraud, data fraud if you “cheat death“ sent to how many years of college students? ,(电信诈骗、数据诈骗如果“骗死”大学生判多少年?,)



Telecommunications fraud, data fraud if you "cheat death" sent to how many years of college students? -Telecom fraud,-IT information

Bad news to follow ... ...

Prospective students in linyi, in our news report yesterday was tricked by telephone after 9900 Yuan for tuition, heart unfortunately died of cardiac arrest in the news.

Sad is, who lives in linyi Lin Shu zhen, linshu Shandong University student Liu also met Telecom fraud. On the 22nd night, will not bear little Liu unfortunately passed away ... ...

Here's the deal: Liu experienced telephone fraud, person pretending to be a police station, well aware of Liu's identity, said Liu's bank card over more than 60,000, huangshen Liu in accordance with the other requirements for 2000 dollars, found that he had been deceived, next morning, the family found that Liu died on the sofa.

Mother's broken heart, IV was admitted to linyi people's Hospital. "She is now crazy, light said heart should be dredged, the children take her heart away, she now has no heart. ”……

Insiders reveal the shocking inside story

Candidates information black chain: 4000 RMB package an examinee information

Journalists joined the one named "test data" QQ Group. Just joined the group soon after, main "selling test list" initiative to add reporters as a friend. Other personal information is written "owners, masters and real estate appraisers ... ..." tag, reporters asked whether to sell information on candidates, the other quickly replies: "last year, 1.6 million students graduate exam data has, 4000 a province. This year's college entrance examination candidates not much data, to pack give you 5000 Yuan. ”

Half of primary and secondary data-leakage

Reporters to several industry reselling user data, including 3 told reporters: "as long as you've heard, regardless of University, secondary, primary, and (their data). ”

"Domestic schools, half of the data I have. Even if you do not have, as long as you tell me the name and I can get. ”

"No sold" 1-2/PC data, secondary data is less than 1.

According to the number of people offer "fresh", "no selling" of first-hand student data, price about 1-2 Yuan/article, bulk purchase at a special rate. Secondary data is less than 1, if buying in bulk, 10,000 secondary data about 300-500 Yuan.

From Taobao, Jingdong, vipshop, e-commerce platform out of first-hand data, cost more than 3-5, the peak price reached 20-30 yuan/article. "Buying data, is to lie. ”

Data dealers a few minutes into the Education Bureau Web site

A senior computer technician surging on news that team had tried to "hijack" surrounding many city and County Education Department website of linyi, found a few minutes to enter relevant information feel free to browse and download. Now hackers to steal personal information, has become a huge industry chain, part of hackers tapping into some Web site information, in forums, social groups and the sale of information.

According to some data, dealers say they have data of industry in all regions of the country, not just the telephone data, investor's account data, flight data and purchasing data, newborn, and so on, they can be sold.

Event development so far, the only good news is that fraud Xu Yuyu 171th register the number on the card, the number belongs to the Beijing General company background check had been card's information and call history information saved and notify the public security organ.

In other words, the case has exceeded the previous public opinion are most worried about "paragraph 171 virtual did not completely cover the real-name registration and cannot be traced to one" bottlenecks are likely to find direction of telecommunications fraud.

Issue focus:

Police eventually found the telecommunications fraud, while also mastering the corroborating evidence can be brought to justice, then, this "cheat death" Xu Yuyu fraudsters can be subject to a maximum number of years?

Fraud or subject to a maximum period

Crook life for life, this is definitely out of the question.

Chief learned know through criminal law, fraud sentencing is divided into three levels:

A large amount of, Office for three years, criminal detention or control, and Department or penalties;

Huge or have other serious circumstances, shall be sentenced to imprisonment between three to ten years and a fine;

The amount involved is especially huge or other especially serious circumstances, imprisonment of at least ten years or life imprisonment, and a fine or confiscation of property.

How to distinguish between relatively large, huge, huge

According to China's Supreme People's Court, China's judicial interpretation of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on handling criminal cases of fraud, fraud of public and private property worth 3,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan and 30,000 yuan to 100,000 Yuan or more, more than 500,000 yuan, should be recognized as criminal law article No. 266, respectively "a large amount", "large", "a huge amount".

In accordance with this provision, the 9900 Yuan Xu Yuyu case involving fraud of the most light of sentencing standards, or "three years, criminal detention or control, and concurrently or be fined".

However, judicial interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate of China special mention: "fraud victims committed suicide, insanity caused by public or private property or other serious consequences, they can be heavy punishment, as appropriate, in accordance with Article No. 266 of the code. ”

Xu Yuyu suffered fraud while sudden death is clearly mentioned in the judicial interpretation of the "serious consequences". So, although the amount of fraud is not high, but the fraudster's sentencing may, where appropriate, strictly, to reach at least "three to ten years ' imprisonment" of sentencing guidelines. If the judge finds that the circumstances are "other especially serious circumstances", the fraudster could face maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

Illegal access to personal information or subject to a maximum of seven years, is not the sole Xu Yuyu case involving charges of fraud.

I think we all noticed, implementation of telecommunications fraud upon Xu Yuyu is a "precise crime": knowing she had just admitted to University, knew she needed financial aid. Media reported the day before Xu Yuyu was cheated, she had just received the phone on matters related to the financial aid from the school.

So, how do crooks know Xu Yuyu information? it is clear that her personal information had been leaked.

There are media that, precisely because a lot of personal information leak and Telecom fraud become more and more rampant. Therefore, telecommunications fraud charges in connection with, certainly not less illegal access to personal information.

Last August, the latest amendments to the criminal code strengthen protection of personal information, for the offence of illegal access to personal information on the sentences was improved. According to the criminal law, steal or use other illegal methods to obtain the personal information of citizens, if the circumstances are serious, to three years ' imprisonment or criminal detention, and Department or penalties the circumstances are especially serious, shall be sentenced to imprisonment between three to seven years and fined.

Although this article is not about "serious" and "very serious" how to distinguish between judicial interpretation, yet know that, the case has caused the death of Xu Yuyu bad consequences, is determined according to the maximum penalty sentence deserved to.

So, the above two points, fraudsters in the case may involve fraud and two counts of the crime of illegal access to personal information, two cases of crime and punishment, according to different circumstances found that has the highest possible punishable by a life sentence or sentenced to 17 years in prison.

Telecommunication how fraudsters sentenced?

Of course, the Government knew it, is may be subject to a maximum sentence. In fact, sentenced Telecom fraud cases in recent years, eventually was convicted to life imprisonment is not much.

For example, Beijing 2013 ruled large cross-border telecommunications fraud, and sentenced the suspect reaching more than 91 people, involving millions, but the sentences of criminal suspects is only 1.5 years to 8 years. Another example, also was sentenced by Beijing extra cross-border telecommunications fraud, involving more than 5.08 million Yuan, 26 defendants were sentenced ranging from 3 years to 8 years in prison.

Public information can be found of Telecom fraud is sentenced to life imprisonment last year, 5 Japan men hiding in Zhuhai on Japan domestic implementation of Telecom fraud, where the principal because of controlled violence against members of a people beaten to death, and constituted the crime of fraud, intentional injury of both charges, two sentenced to life imprisonment and fined. While the remaining 4 members from only relates to fraud, sentenced to 3 years and 5 months in prison.

Sentenced to life imprisonment for fraud is not. In 2013, the Jiayuguan city intermediate people's Court for a 1 million Yuan, 17 gangs involved fraud conviction, two ringleaders were sentenced to life imprisonment and 15 other suspects were sentenced to 3 to 15 years in prison.

Chief know also noted that, although the last sentence for the crime of illegal access to personal information when only a specific sentence provisions of the amendment, but already decided cases there are many. For example, Haidian District Court recently for illegally reselling 200yuwantiao students and staff training school for parents of 6 people were ruling, 6 people were sentenced to 1 year and 3 months, six months and one year's probation in different prison.

While at the same time for fraud and sentenced for the crime of illegal access to personal information also have precedent. Last year November, 30 name accused to "guess guess I is who", and "I is you led" of way implementation telecommunications fraud, total cheat others money about 8.7 million Yuan Yuan, was to fraud crime, and prejudice credit card management crime, and illegal gets citizens personal information crime, charges, was sentenced to shall be sentenced to 1 years 5 months to 19 years ranging, and at fine 3000 Yuan to 250,000 yuan ranging.

电信诈骗、数据诈骗如果“骗死”大学生判多少年? - 电信诈骗, - IT资讯















































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