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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/6 7:31:18 Edit(编辑)
Lenovo Liu unexpectedly quit: perhaps because of this,

Lenovo Liu unexpectedly quit: perhaps because of this,

Lenovo Liu unexpectedly quit: perhaps because of this Association, June-IT information

Lenovo Group last night announced the personnel changes , Lenovo Group's Executive Vice President, mobile business group President, Motorola mobility management committee chairman Liu left, Xudong Chen will take over Liu's post with immediate effect.

Meanwhile, Xudong Chen will also serve as co-Chairman magic workshop, magic workshop Vice President Chang Cheng will serve as CEO.

Liu's departure for Lenovo internally and externally is a sudden accident, and his departure is likely with some poor business performance has a direct relationship.

Unexpected departure

Liu's departure in the outside world by surprise, because on a Lenovo Tech World Conference last week he also smiles about Lenovo's product, and after an interview with the media, do not see any signs of leaving.

According to Sina science and technology noted that Liu for Lenovo's mobile business is hard, even for internal team says in the new fiscal year to resolve to stand out, become absolute agents of Lenovo mobile.

But the sudden departure, still makes many think of employees as well as outside in the mobile phone sector by surprise. After all, in the development process of legend group, many new business development have June figures,

Lenovo's mobile services, including mobile phones, Tablet PCs and smart TV, can be said to be developed under the leadership of Liu. This year, Lenovo's mobile service years than in Lenovo's overall turnover rose from 12% to 25% per cent, and 4 years ago, very little revenue contribution in this part of the business.

This past quarter, Lenovo's mobile phone and tablet computer shipments of the world's top three positions, on the whole, Liu led Lenovo mobile business performed well, but on smart televisions and mobile phones businesses in China, Liu's performance is not satisfactory.

Smart TV business, Lenovo group can be said to be the first to get involved in, but that's part of the business can be said to be not successful, or even be overtaken by later music, millet and other manufacturers.

China Mobile phones businesses, while Lenovo Mobile has won one-quarter of sales champions, but short-lived. According to market research firm IDC's data, over the past quarter, shipments of Lenovo mobile market, China only ranked fifth.

Smart TV and the dismal performance of the Smartphone business in China has a relationship with Liu's departure. But Lenovo insiders are reluctant to comment.

Rapid growth is a miracle

As with Yang yuanqing, Liu in Lenovo's growth also can be called "miracles".

In 1993, Liu graduated from Tsinghua into associations, as Senior Center evaluation of quality control engineers; the following year he set up the computer Division, Liu served as Department of computer technology review branch of the Department Manager, in October as General Manager of microcomputer business unit technology, became the youngest General Manager of Lenovo, and ranked the year Lenovo "18 pine".

From April 1998 to April 2000, featuring Lenovo Liu Executive desktop computer Division General Manager and Deputy General Manager of the company, build desktop PC management accounting system and supply chain models, designed and launched a landmark Internet sky computer lead Lenovo desktop PC business made the Asia-Pacific market, entering the top ten in the world.

In 2001, Liu as Senior Vice President of legend group limited, Director consumer IT business, during which he offered consumer digital strategy, improvement of 1+1 store management, establishing new distribution and retail system.

From 2003 to 2004, Liu Lenovo Group responsible for planning system and the operating system work, assisting CEO Yang yuanqing said the development group development strategy, responsible for group purchasing, Commerce, logistics, quality and manufacturing and supply chain management.

In 2006, within the Association June promotion all the way, I met a real "test." Due to Lenovo CEO Amelio and there is considerable disagreement, Liu was "deprecated". Subsequently, he briefly leaves the company, to the United States spent a year.

In Liu's protection, Liu soon returned to the Association, and became the core of association executives, and is responsible for the legend series of new business.

Now, suddenly announced that Lenovo's departure, Liu may be ended their career in association. Even though there may be some imperfections, but his contribution to the Association for all to see.

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