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published in(发表于) 2016/4/9 7:22:03 Edit(编辑)
Google’s mountain view headquarters by Security scare: employee emergency evacuation,

Google’s mountain view headquarters by Security scare: employee emergency evacuation,(谷歌山景城总部遭安全恐吓:员工紧急疏散,)



Google's mountain view headquarters by Security scare: employee emergency-terrorist, security threats-IT information

April 9, Beijing time, according to tech site PCWorld reported Friday afternoon local time after being intimidated, Google headquarters in mountain view, California, company employees were evacuated.

Mountain view Police spokesman Kadi·naerxun (Katie Nelson) said there were no casualties, nor damage of buildings. Several buildings involved in the event, start time is about 3:30 and the end time is before 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Police and company security sector responses to the incident.

Google is not much more need to be disclosed. Police have yet to comment on the nature of intimidation, but said it will react cautiously.

Although usually Silicon Valley office building, unlike the Federal Government Office building or large stadiums that are considered to be targets of terrorist attacks, but Google, Apple and Facebook and other large companies is seen as United States economic and cultural symbol.

谷歌山景城总部遭安全恐吓:员工紧急疏散 - 恐怖分子,安全恐吓 - IT资讯


山景城警方发言人卡蒂·纳尔逊(Katie Nelson)表示,没有人员伤亡,建筑物也没有受到损毁。事件涉及数幢建筑物,开始时间约为下午3:30,结束时间在下午5点前。警方和谷歌安全部门都对这次事件做出了反应。



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