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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/6 7:31:16 Edit(编辑)
Laughing urine, musk ten snake story

Laughing urine, musk ten snake story

Laughing urine, musk ten snake stories-horse gram-IT information

Ailong·masike, the Tesla and the soul of the Space x, with a storied life, his story is not a Hollywood screenwriter could imagine. Next, we gave you 818 Ashlee Vance as musk, Bloomberg BusinessWeek writer wrote about his best moments in the book.

Musk was driving to meet with investors, open open, suddenly pulling his head with my friend said, "you see! "He turned to car crashed into the Embankment Road, toss about spin. Windows and wheels have received serious damage, serious damage to the body.

After the car stopped, Thomas g incredible to play jokes on his friends: "HA HA HA, this car is not insured." Last the two of them stood on the side of a ride to see investors.


SpaceX team tried to move from Russia to buy a rocket, but it was rejected by the Russian side. No way the team had to return home. On the plane on the return voyage, a team member Jim Cantrell and Mike Griffin push Cup to change, and musk in front of the computer typing. They were thinking: "stupid fucking eggs missing, now doing? ”

At or around this time, musk turned to them and said: Hey, kids, how about we make a rocket?!


Tesla engineers at a party when found, car battery is highly flammable. This alert the Tesla engineers, because there were so many accidents would be disastrous, musk decided that improve battery, only Tesla today.


Musk's first wife, Justine in the club saw a small plum Hollywood stars Leonardo DiCaprio--Chinese name was Titanic, Jack, little plum thought asked a free Tesla and Thomas grams, was relentlessly refused.


Musk when looking for investors, direct questioning Alan Salzman of VantagePoint venture firms, why not sign the files to provide additional funding, Alan Salzman hesitated, told Mr MASKEY said after a week and give him an answer, and musk asked the next day, Alan Salzman refused.

Musk was angry, rage against the road: he think I would kneel to his Office to beg ya, impossible! This stupid *!


Before rocket test flight of the SpaceX, musk was inspecting Dairy Queen ice cream shop.


SpaceX for recruitment, Thomas g has developed a rigorous interview and selection process, programmer this position the bloodiest, programmer at the time of applying for, the company would be required to prove their ability to write code, it takes dozens of lines of code, standard issue of SpaceX is up to more than 500 lines of code!


Dig talent for Amazon's Jeff Bezos from SpaceX, musk has said Bezos was a greedy man, no work ethic, although he did have a thought in the field of e-commerce dominate, but to be honest, he is pretty boring.


Musk has sent a letter to employees of the Acronyms Seriously Suck (referred to as rules of ASS, if you do not know the word ASS please Google on their own), it later warned staff at work to stop using abbreviations, Thomas said in the message, unless his approval, or SpaceX appears no abbreviations, and offenders will be severely punished.


Musk Google and a group of friends hanging out, Google apartment in Palo Alto, they talk about all sorts of irrelevant things, like "how to make the jet plane take off vertical landing", "how to make a plane has been flying around the Earth," and so on, presence of musk investor George Zachary think they are joking and bragging. But when he asked when musk, musk is very serious to tell him: "I say without bragging, I really want to do! ”

This is to create a Tesla, Space x-men, is what makes people unpredictable temperament.

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