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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/8/12 2:40:04 Edit(编辑)
Microsoft bumps video magic algorithm will become stationary artwork,

Microsoft bumps video magic algorithm will become stationary artwork,

Microsoft bumps video magic algorithm will become steady art-time-lapse, the Microsoft-IT news Microsoft bumps video magic algorithm will become steady work of art

Online there are so many taken on a GoPro camera time-lapse, but most of the scenes are very turbulent, looking at them is a kind of torture, while Microsoft's goal is to bring this first-person perspective video becomes more stable, smoother, easier to appreciate, resulting in a video called hyperlapse.

A depth map algorithm used by Microsoft to create new frames, these images will be stitched and mixed together to produce a flow of scenes, so you can be more fluid, smooth time-lapse video, while it is not perfect, but the results have been very satisfactory, Microsoft's promise is working to make its Windows software, will be released as soon as possible. (via:The Verge

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