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published in(发表于) 2016/5/31 8:47:20 Edit(编辑)
Surprise: compared to males, females are phone-controlled,

Surprise: compared to males, females are phone-controlled,(意外:相较男性,女性才是手机控,)



Surprise: compared with men, women is the cell phone-controlled mobile phone control, female, College-IT information

Both in the social network review video, mostly big masters of the mirror, even few saw sister figure in technology media. While men love mobile technology parameters of some deep, but in terms of frequency of cell phone use is being lost.

According to Korean media reports, before Korea Asian University for the University, according to a survey, more than half of women in using mobile phones for more than 4 hours a day, while this proportion of boys not to 30%. In addition, women used six hours a day of Super 20% phone number is twice times the boys.

The study said, boys used the main gap is at rest, and the girl both walking and the violet in conversation with other people using mobile phones, this is probably more women than men the data of reasons. In addition, compared to men, women use social networks and are more dependent, when cell phone use is not part of female insecurity, boys 10% sample not only felt.

Cherish sister willing to chat with you face to face around it.

意外:相较男性,女性才是手机控 - 手机控,女性,大学生 - IT资讯





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