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published in(发表于) 2016/6/15 6:15:19 Edit(编辑)
“Topless IOU“ lenders peddling girls nude online: 30 yuan a piece,

“Topless IOU“ lenders peddling girls nude online: 30 yuan a piece,(“裸照借条”放贷人网上叫卖女生裸体照:30元一张,)



"Topless IOU" lenders peddling girls nude online: 30 yuan each treasure-borrowing, nude, loans, College Student-IT information

Related reading: borrowing treasure in response to female college students "naked" credit: to cooperate with the investigation

Black means to campus credit upgrade again! If the media exposure of the campus in the past loan interest rates high, hidden ignorance and fear of fraud is the use of college students looking to profit, "naked" net lending there had been thoroughly penetrated the public's bottom line.

Recent media surveys found that in the context of national campus of harsh crackdown of illegal loans, loan sharking groups via the Internet, and developed the "naked lending" business. The borrowing, topless alternative handheld ID card to the borrower IOU. When you default on repayments and lenders with public nude and means of contact with the borrower as a threatening force borrower.

Media found that although borrowers and lenders of money in professional Internet lending platform, but in fact, the platform is just a cover, or a disguised means of hiding. The real deal amount several times, in order to avoid illegal money lending designed transfers detailed agreement has been reached in the QQ chat. Episode worse campus loan business is bypassing a legal defense line, secrecy. Victims will be accompanied by family alarm; otherwise borrowers borrow learned the way to profits, which in turn become lenders, continued the illegal practices.

Is more hateful, evil lenders and does not receive payment when reporters found, someone on the Internet selling girls naked credit photos, price is only 30 yuan a piece! HD! Uncensored! Identity information is complete !

Campus loan usury hidden word game by playing bad big scam

Just pushing 3 months time, public concerns about campus credit comes from a piece of news-betting embroiled in "campus credits": College student loan debt more than 600,000 to commit suicide. Henan animal husbandry economy, Zheng Dexing of college students for participating in online gambling, fraudulent use or borrow student identity was "campus loan", were owed more than 600,000 money, eventually committed suicide.

In 2009, the China Banking Regulatory Commission issued a notice prohibiting bank cards to those under the age of 18, credit card issuers to students who have reached the age of 18, through parents, second source of repayment after the written consent of the parties. After that, campus credits becoming an emerging financial power moved into the campus of the University.

Today, campus credits often play the "interest rates as low as 0.99% per month" or even "zero down, zero interest" this stunt, but the actual financing cost is not low. According to insiders, and consumption in phases or stages cash loans are generally equal principal and interest repayment, on the surface a month interest principal interest rate is not high, but in fact the principal each month decrease, if converted to monthly income due in principal, the actual annual interest rate "is still high".

In some loan platform launched a Samsung mobile phone installment, for example, explosive 5688 Rob price, monthly contributions of $ 293.32, 24 payments, on the surface a month pay "service charge" 56.32 Yuan a year interest only 675.84 Yuan, annual interest rate 11.88%. But because the principal reduction every month, based on the actual cost of capital calculation, capital costs more than 20%.

Campus loan usury, college students are the biggest victims. From sky-high interest rates to be asked to upload nude pictures dream step by step upgrade

If, when the Campus Crusade also focused on loan interest rates and credit appraisal, financial areas of expertise, "naked" net credits appeared the social dimension of the affair on another, more severe.

It was reported that in February this year, female university student Li Li (pseudonym), she registered for business in an online lending platform. According to his recollection, the platform the real-name system, have to upload ID card, student ID card and fill out the family information, including family contacts. Through the platform, she first borrowed 500 Yuan, Zhou at 30%. Expires not on her old debts borrowed new debt ... ... She has reached 55,000 yuan in arrears!

Lily said, when the amount owed tens of lenders had repeatedly to her collection. At this point, he or she no longer borrow easily, requiring that their nude handheld ID card as collateral, repayment and then returned to her photos. In desperation, Li Li had to do so. Soon, the new repayment date arrived, Lily still can't do it. Show, don't also will send photos to their family and even open.

Reporters found that in some borrowing QQ Group, as long as the one whom girls nude, there will be a lot of people contact. Most female students involved are reluctant to tell their stories publicly. Lenders hold the female students ' timid psychology, increasingly rampant.

Female college students think that their payments will be able to buy peace, "naked" issue will be lost, it would be a foolish na?ve! Reporters at a so-called "naked" groups found that someone had just bought the photos of naked female student loan or micro-group of someone in the audience raised, each girl's nude photos 30 yuan each loan.

Soon, the Group of people set up 30 yuan, after about 10 minutes, people raised in the group came in schoolgirls naked, and holding pictures of their ID card, ID card name, number, address are very clear, photo is "HD uncensored"!

Topless to lenders in his hand, the rules of the game can not help female students to manipulate. Now is 30 yuan each in the Group raised, will be where, on what occasion was used, everything is unknown. Such transactions, sales is a girl's dignity. The so-called "credit-based" campus credit, no credit, no rules, sliding toward the abyss of law and morality.

Tear off campus credit hypocritical mask operation is suspected of violating the

The "naked" net lending borrowing Bao is a platform around. Reporter in "borrowing treasure" seen on the platform, the platform provides annual interest rates of between 0zhi24%, in line with national law on folk debit and credit interest rates. But participants said their week rates are often as high as 30%, it is clear that irregularities. So, how illegal lending would have bound online lending platform to achieve it?

According to insiders, students borrow 5000 Yuan, Xiao Wang, for example, released Wang needed to borrow $ 6500 worth of borrowing, borrowing after boss answered, call Wang 1500 Yuan and Wang by "borrowing treasure" 1500 Yuan back to the boss, boss after receiving the money, then 5000 Yuan to Wang .

In this way, Wang had actually received only 5000 Yuan, but according to 6500 Yuan interest rates for repayment. Owner by such a high interest rate of borrowing, to avoid "borrowing treasure" monitoring platform. Super high interest rates have made people feel unforgivable, talons into college students ' physical privacy and information privacy is appalling. Topless as collateral, themselves are not in conformity with the contract law and the law on security. If the huge interest to coerce illegal not only suspected of violations of the right to privacy, more on suspicion of extortion.

Risk have a responsibility to not open around the platform, lending treasures hard to prove innocence

"Lending treasures" established by the rules of the game: someone wants to borrow money from borrowed treasure, it is necessary to add another "acquaintance", after which you can borrow money, platforms do not bear the credit risk. But is this really the case? Show lending processes, real through advance deduction of principal of usury, lending treasures should know; with the ID card, student confirmed registered user information, lending treasures can also find; users borrow the treasure platform "topless borrowing", Bao said, borrowing without the knowledge.

Has experts in accept media interview Shi said, on responsibility of bear, can reference network infringement field of haven rules and red flag rules, in "not knows, not should know" of situation Xia by occurred of lending who on borrowing who implementation of infringement and crime behavior, borrowing platform can from bear legal responsibility, but for obvious of illegal information, platform has monitoring excluded of obligations, especially after borrowing who reflect complaints or police organ informed, platform has informed of illegal information not to timely delete, and Shield damage as a result of enlargement, should bear joint and several liability.

Public security network supervisor, linkage and cut NET loans black chain

In April this year, the Ministry of education the Office of the General Office of China Banking Regulatory Commission jointly issued a circular on strengthening the campus bad debt risk prevention and education work of the law. Clearly, unauthorized campus to promote network lending in accordance with disposal. The problem was, and borrowing once into line connectors, offline trade, in practice do not need "approved". In response to this phenomenon, regulation should be free from the traditional model, but also "go-live". For example for net loan trading platform, the recurring number change to check on suspicious transactions; in micro-groups of QQ Group, once found release "naked" net credit information or publish a nude, must also implement the closure in a timely manner, and the suspects involved realize the line trace.

Both usury, DUN, and the nude photos threatening repayment, social platforms, exposed nude, our country has specific laws and regulations. Only, all kinds of supervisory organs of public security organs will be heavily regulated, normal, outlaws head will be sword-long suspension, not to mess things up. The matter was revealed by the media, a lot of people sigh revealed nude photos of female students "brainless", "IQ rush", but is more important than taunts victims, the whole society should be action against perpetrators.

Students should understand the law, and to take responsibility for their actions

Female college students are forced to resort to "naked credit" this step, either because I don't want to get money from his parents, who want to own the ability to gamble, some have been caught, if you want to get out there is no other way . But reporters wanted to say is that no matter what the circumstances, control your excessive material desires, through work-study programs, paid by honest labor, is desirable, even if it has a rainy day, or through the proper channels, such as help-family member, teacher, school or regular social assistance, in order to really solve the problem. Trying to not so reliable online lending platform for economic satisfaction, prior to the camera, it is necessary to anticipate its potential risks.

This on the one hand the demands on the financial ability of college students. Social financial activities, dealing with full understanding of its form, the way to do, avoid falling into the trap others by early adopters. The other hand, risks to girls should be some anticipation, adhere to their bottom line. You know, their nude pay to others, behind things entirely from their control. If the repayment issue does arise, to the elders, family members, and even legal help-timely, than to deliver their physical privacy is much more rational.

As has chosen to report female students involved said that, "this step once, who does not regret it." Not because of his impulsive, make yourself regret for life.

“裸照借条”放贷人网上叫卖女生裸体照:30元一张 - 借贷宝,裸条,贷款,大学生 - IT资讯

































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