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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/12/14 9:13:57 Edit(编辑)
Lei: you can copy my success,

Lei: you can copy my success,

Lei: you can copy my success-Lei, xiaomi, 2014 (13th) Annual Conference of Chinese business leaders-IT news
Lei: I successfully you can copy

Sponsored by the China Entrepreneur magazine "2014 (13th) Annual Conference of Chinese business leaders" held in Beijing in December 12-14th. During the annual "the 25 most influential business leaders of" awards ceremony, has hundreds of heavyweight guest confirmed to attend annual meeting speeches and shared.

Xiaomi's founder, Chairman and CEO Lei also delivered a speech at the annual meeting.

Following is a presentation video:

Business leaders, good morning! World Internet Conference in Wuzhen, does Ma bicker with me, were I have been talking about the mobile phone industry development over the next decade, when Ma poured cold water on me, say the air is no good, water is no good, you phone no matter how good, what's the use? Choke me, Jack Ma, I truly feel that environmental protection is very serious, standing in the higher point of view issues, than I have seen further, it is also worthy of our study.

Our entrepreneurs should pay high attention to the matter of environmental protection. So, when it comes to this matter, I think what we can do is, using this mode for the society, this is what we can do. Therefore, we invested in a start-up, they called purple rice technology, air purifiers they do, very small volume, what can the air? Probably can purify 406 cubic meters of air per hour. In other words, a 15 square meters room, 6 minutes will be able to filter all the air again, it contained two huge HP fan, so the whole purification ability is very strong.

It also solves the biggest problem in air purifiers, is the screen is hard to change, a lot of people don't know where to buy filters, do not know when changing filter. He will prompt you in the phone APP and when changing filter, a mobile phone and automatically delivered to your door. So, after doing the Air Purifier, I say you try to sell at cost, and finally a capability like this air purifier, or sells about 6000 to 8000 international brands of air purifiers, they are priced at $ 899, more importantly mesh top materials priced at $ 149. And can also be delivered to your door to change. So, I told them we have to actually do something for the society.

Closer to home, besides I bicker with Ma's more outside, I couldn't help overhearing a word be spread very widely, is when the wind came when pigs will fly. Of course, there are many reading this sentence, I talk about why I say these words I speak this sentence in what circumstances. Under 40 years of age get a sense of my own.

Because I started early, also worked for 20 years in the industry, always thought that in the early "smart + hard work" can be invincible, so technically there was time, once known as the "Zhongguancun labor model", we say that a person's talent is limited, but it's very hard, they asked him to model workers. Later, when I was 40 years old, to use this all figured out, I think the most important thing is how to grasp the opportunities of the times. I think the opportunity or is most key issues, so take advantage of it.

Hope we'll understand this, I founded the company, Remy, millet company grew beyond our own imagination. We venture 4.5 years ago, listing products three years ago. Just three years, the expected 70 billion will have no problem, I think next year, hundreds of billions, visible, there is some possibility. So, this is not the same as the growth of what is behind it? I think that is what we used to say behind a word called "Internet". "The Internet thinking" people and many are tired, in fact, thinking of the Internet as a user thinking, thinking, is the essence of traditional industries to achieve the ultimate view. I don't spell Internet thinking today, and I am speaking from the standpoint of traditional industries which millet on the few things that had a different kind of growth.

First of all, millet extremely stressed really real, good product. Should say millet product is released at the beginning of a very high quality. Second, millet is very willing to listen to the views of users, make friends and users, all in users, the product well. Third, millet with Internet technology, e-commerce direct, efficient operation, eventually, which retails at close to cost direct sales, it can also make money, I think it is the core of efficient.

Tips on these three points, I think nothing of it. First of all, to learn from Tong ren Tang, stressing the real real good products. Second, submarine fishing, make friends and users, and user interaction. Third, learn from Wal-Mart, efficient operations, control your costs, reduce intermediate links, so make your prices at near cost price direct. I believe that these three had nothing to do with the Internet, but this is the most important user mindset and thinking.

Talking about users thinking, a lot of people feel that understanding was difficult, saying how do you get the users involved? How do you interact with users, I think there's no trick, is the essence of the party's mass line and mass line speaks with an interactive Internet thinking is exactly the same. You have to go deep among the masses, the masses, rely on the masses, from the masses, to the masses. We keep the open source community, interactive marketing, look at how great and wonderful, and I think it is essentially the mass line, as long as you understand the mass line, you would understand the user thinking.

Therefore, the nature of the Internet is actually a traditional business to the extreme, and that's it. You may find the Internet to be up here, what is bad. Back to nature is what kind of ideas do you think about the user, and with what kind of concept products, what kind of idea employees and shareholders? Is in fact a new kind of thinking.

So, when it comes to a lot of people here said, it's a simple story, millet is not so simple. At the beginning of last year, when communicating with a group of entrepreneurs and I said, I really think of millet as advocated by the Internet thinking is completely reproducible, we do not believe that I talk about in the next five years, 100 companies to replicate the millet patterns of investment, this is the beginning of last year's plan. The ecological chain of smart hardware is what we talked about today.

Take a small example, for the two companies. First home company called purple meters technology, is a Nanjing of company, do mobile power, founder is millet of magnate, I four years Qian do phone hardware of when, needs find a generation factory help I generation workers, I find has global of Qian ten, no any a willing to for I production, this is extenuating circumstances of, because global maximum of factory absolute not willing to for a venture company to production.

We can also find some fake tiny factory in Shenzhen, its entirely possible, but, millet, starting from the first year, with world class standards of their own, not a single good plant production for me, how can I make world-class products? Me a visit from a trip, takes a long time, and managed to persuade his fifth company, owned by IAC mobile phone OEM. General Manager is what I mean by that, he was General Manager of Nanjing, he persuaded the IAC, up to now, IAC is the core of our cell phone OEM factories.

Last August, the IAC he left for some time to find me, said he plans to start, he made 17 phone development, design and production, he came up with a business. I say if you can make a mobile power, he said the mobile power is so simple, there's nothing. I say you along with millet, starting from the first day, you know much about millet patterns. If you use millet model mobile power, you could run the world's first mobile power company. My last August, from 7 o'clock in the evening about 4 o'clock in the morning, I'm quite convinced him. He started the next day purple rice, start mobile power, in January this year, the products listed. In the highest one-month, selling over 3 million mobile power, this year's annual turnover of at least exceeded 1 billion yuan. The company started with only ten or twenty people now are only forty or fifty people, called purple rice science and technology, Nanjing.

He encountered the greatest difficulty is the world are fakes, fakes are real 10 times, now all over the world, universities, are selling millet mobile power, is also false. Because it had dried to perfection, he aluminum alloy shell, all are the best, 4000 MAH, others sell two hundred or three hundred things, he used the world's top-notch stuff, ready to sell 69. I think that many people, many people use millet mobile power. No matter what brand of phone, you will have the opportunity to use mobile power, Remy, because the future is first in the world, but stressed only in millet online to buy, because they look the same, and used the laptop second hand battery, very explosive. Therefore, the purple rice technology biggest obstacle is fake. This is the purple rice science and technology investment in August last year.

Early this year, we invested in a start-up, in Hefei, was made by science and a PhD, and we recommend that they do bracelets, help them define the entire bracelets products, I am also in line users, I think the problem is the question of charging, data update problem. I say foreign brands, 5-7 days on a single charge, you can for three months on a single charge, he finished only about 60 days. But colleagues were trial has yihou effect is good, later we claimed we hand ring can 30 days filling once electric, actually can with 60 days, is I wearing of this hand ring, so good of hand ring sold 79 block, two or three months time, on sales 1 million of hand ring, I think with can't half, it and into world first of hand ring company, last month they just pricing 300 million dollars financing has 35 million, they of growth is very of fast of.

This is my two startups, have access to the very big development. Essence is the standard they used millet, millet advocates thought the Internet, carefully made one or two common products and materials these products really do, second, hear the views of users, rapid improvement. Third, cost price, sales of these products, and improve efficiency.

I think that if the real product when his costs are much higher, so, what do things cost much more expensive to sell cheap, how to improve efficiency, which is what we emphasize social media marketing, engagement marketing, and e-commerce direct sales. This variety of ways to help us cut back on marketing expenses, cutting off channels cost, storefront costs, even the entire warehouse management is optimized, costs and bring it up to a perfect match, a very low cost.

I think millet model's core is efficient.

This two home company are obtained has success, like millet of air purification device, is this year early a called purple meters technology of, this products do of extremely stunning, to reduced air purification device of noise, because this is a huge of motivation, to reduced noise, they each a axis even fan, each a are do moving balance, even not balance of plus operation, to Amendment whole balance sex, improved balance sex, makes mute situation Xia of noise only 30 DB around, actually very quiet.

Therefore, the millet that help start-up companies to improve their products, improve their services and improve its relationship with its users. We voted in 25 to date, have released six or seven, each product on the table when, can give you a sense of shock. Therefore, we cooperate with millet says something is not distinctive enough? I don't think Internet magic of millet, millet's values, methodology, discipline and determination to try to get everything done. Therefore, I believe the remainder of the 88, products on the table when they do, it will let you feel the stunning. We also hope that the next investment 100 smart hardware company improving the ecological chain of millet, which is the entire scheme. I believe that these 100 companies can make more Chinese companies understand the true value of real and efficient operation. We also hope that through these efforts to promote industrial transformation and upgrading of the Internet as a whole.

I say the first half of this year, we founded the millet in the entire dream, we hope that the millet to become China's national enterprises, through our efforts to let everyone in the world to enjoy the fun of the Chinese scientific and technological innovation. We hope that we can act like the Sony 70 driving China's industrial sector as a whole is expected only began to really good products, and quality affordable, this can lead the entire industry so that everyone in the world can buy Chinese products are high quality and are cheap. I believe over the next ten to 20 years of efforts, Chinese products would become synonymous with quality products, that's why we founded millet dream. I believe that after four years, it is also a step by step began to appear, but of course it needs to have the support, we need everyone's help, thank you!

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