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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/9 6:41:50 Edit(编辑)
It’s too expensive for me: Facebook canceled satellite networking project,

It’s too expensive for me: Facebook canceled satellite networking project,

It's too expensive for me:-Facebook Facebook canceled satellite networking projects, satellite-IT information

According to tech blog The Information reported, Facebook plans to provide Internet access services via satellite to poor areas has been cancelled, the plan is likely to cost about $ 1 billion.

The Information did not disclose specific sources, but said that one of the people familiar with direct knowledge of the project, another person familiar with the overview of the project.

Satellite Internet is a part of Facebook project, aims to provide developing countries with Internet access, and more antennae to Facebook in these new markets. In September last year, Facebook has also poached from Google satellite Internet experts maikeer·saitelin (Michael Tseytlin). It was reported that saitelin to join Facebook in order to specifically for the company's satellite Internet Connectivity Lab research and development projects.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg) last March, Connectivity Labs will try to "use unmanned aerial vehicles, satellites and lasers to transfer Internet to millions of households."

In 2015, SpaceX from Google and Fidelity to raise $ 1 billion to carry out its own satellite Internet project. Facebook and Google are trying to bring Internet to the emerging economies, while dealing with more intractable infrastructure, research and development and legal costs. This year, Google also shelved its own satellite program.

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