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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:39:30 Edit(编辑)
Take the Uber car car accident, officials refused to charge,

Take the Uber car car accident, officials refused to charge,(乘坐Uber专车遇车祸,官方拒负责,)



Take the Uber car car accident, officials refuse to charge-Uber, car-IT information

It is not uncommon for traffic accidents occurred in the field of car, into a case worthy of the industry discussion. From a consumer complaint to the Beijing economic daily reporter in Beijing, Uber drivers car accident injuries, consumer requests are not issued to the Uber side feedback. Both drivers and Uber denied the parties, three parties differ. In daily life, various types of platforms bear the daily life of consumers, however, the car platform has become the exception, object distanced relationship with the service.

Have their say

Internet special security concerns. Former consumer lien said on March 5, even Uber taxi accident car accident, car crash, the driver was not injured. Checks were diagnosed by doctors, even the head slight vibrations, back waist muscle ligament in left leg and pelvis dislocation, slightly bruised. After the accident, and even received a self-proclaimed Uber platform staff inquiries said the platform according to the normal flow of compensation, then heard from again.

Even subsequently in micro-channels of the "deadly Uber" passengers survived, Uber company God reply: On the road, an accident normal! The article, even in the article about her story is explained in detail and pointed out that traffic accidents are caused by drivers, before the accident, drivers have revealed to Lien has been run more than 10 single of the night. Meanwhile, after the accident, lien said, help was sent to Uber platform, dealing with compensation claims, but ignored Uber.

For this, drivers concerned do not agree. The driver accepts that Beijing said in an interview with the business daily, that night was in no order gap a break and traffic accidents right front of the vehicle is the cause of a sudden flat tire, not fatigue. Uber platform also said in a statement yesterday, incident handling team has been keeping in touch with the user now has to start the insurance claim procedures.

No recourse

Events continues in the circle of friends, reading the above article two days more than 80,000. Yesterday, Lian posted a message again, through individual channels to contact the Uber official, but the official blamed "blackmail." According to Lien's owner dialog screenshot associated with these Uber, Uber official says: "understand your emotion, I also hope that the matter can be properly handled, but compliance we deal with, will not accept any blackmail. "Even the Beijing business today said," after being accused of blackmail, I now have no claim on compensation, hope Uber apologized in open channels ".

Lien release of two articles shows that Uber negative attitude for dealing with the traffic accident. Beijing business today reporter learned that, China Uber App is not in the built-in phone, passengers with the Uber platform communicate only via e-mail. Uber strategy head Liu Zhen, China introduced Uber in the United States and other markets of the world, with SOS key calling features passenger emergency, emergency situations through the key is directly linked to the local police station, but it currently has not yet launched in the Chinese market.

Mechanism is not

Secondary drive the whole incident, special enterprise collaboration platform itself, leasing companies and drivers of regulatory mechanisms is the crux of the problem. It is reported that China Uber, drops and other platforms are service companies, car rental companies, the driver signed a quadripartite agreement, car platform to avoid risks. Among them, the drivers linked under the service company, cars are linked under a leasing company, relationship between driver and car platform only for cooperation.

The traffic accidents involved drivers told Beijing business today said yesterday, his surname, "Hu", but Uber platform driver registration information on the surname "to", while the vehicle is not the driver himself, but to the leasing company leases, and every part will be paid to the leasing company "money".

Circ risk insurance consumer protection Bureau said, reserve a vehicle for non-operating vehicles such as, in the event of accidents, passengers and car owners may face claims risk.

Lawyers and Wang Fu to Beijing business today said, if Uber platform acts as an intermediary, do not assume the responsibility, because only exists in the contract of carriage between the carrier and the passenger. However, if ownership of the vehicle from the Uber platform or commitment to the responsibility of all, will have to bear the responsibility. In conditions of purchase insurance, should be made by the insurance companies, without extra pay.

Uber said in yesterday's announcement, China jointly with the Tai Ping insurance tailored for passengers 1 million Yuan to pay the amount of passengers accident insurance. Lien said that he worked in some Internet companies, want Uber to compensation for medical costs and lost fees amount about his two months ' wages, but did not disclose the specific amount.

乘坐Uber专车遇车祸,官方拒负责 - Uber,专车 - IT资讯















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