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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/13 10:13:34 Edit(编辑)
Foreign media comment on 2013 9 innovation of technology,

Foreign media comment on 2013 9 innovation of technology,(外媒评2013年科技界的9大创新,)

Foreign media comment on 2013 9 innovation of scientific-technological innovation, Google goggles, Touch ID, smart watches-IT information Foreign media comment on 2013 9 innovation of technology

The rapid development in technology, 2013 comes to pass, in the year which amazingly scientific and technological innovation? And what technological breakthrough is the most worthy to be borne in mind that that? Technology website Mashable recently counted nine major scientific breakthrough of the year 2013, to learn about it.

1. Oculus Rift

Oculus Rift is a virtual reality display, can make your body senses in the "Visual" part into the digital world of lifelike, like the Titans of Space or Rogue System, although currently only the early stages of the game, experience is also quite simple, Oculus Rift has left a deep impression on us, maybe one day in the future will be able to let you fully immersed in the game.

2. a short video sharing application

From the Vine, Instagram Video, then to Snapchat, never thought such an easy video sharing is so popular, in 2013, the countless individuals and companies take advantage of this full video produced countless creative. A fat little boy named Cousin Terio share short video from the popular (over the wall).

3. the smart watch

Smart Watch tends to make this year it already has strong usability, though, did you think it was a little "stupid", but think about when the first typing is not phone now omnipotent iPhone. For smart watches, 2013 is a memorable node, and maybe in the future, it will be more handy than smartphones.

4. Google goggles

In 2012, when Google announced the revolutionary wearable devices, throughout the scientific community as one of the earthquakes, but 2013 launched Google goggles really, although there have been numerous "Explorer" playing this in the face of the new gadget, but Google goggles are needed to formally enter the market next year. In addition, Samsung is also developing similar equipment.

5.Touch ID

In September of this year when Apple releases iPhone 5S, incidentally, were a particularly likable innovations--fingerprint to unlock, I believe many people have already experienced finger gently touching Home unlock key moments of pleasure, seemed to call for this feature for Apple, iPhone on the 5S is very mature.

6.Elon Musk super high-speed rail plan

"Iron man" Elon Musk in August this year with a 57-page PDF file released his "super high speed rail" a detailed plan, if you can build a successful, humans will be able to speed of 800 miles per hour ran out against the ground--just half an hour from San Francisco to Los Angeles in the future. There is good news, for which the company has finished the registration--Hyperloop and Transportation Technologies, Inc.

7. Xbox integration One+Kinect= entertainment

In November, Microsoft released the Xbox One, save those long weary from playing XBox 360 and starting from 2005, and XBox has One matching a high sensitivity, Kinect can read user actions and gestures to enhance the body with the game, or even the interactive live TV or a movie. Integration of entertainment have clamored for years, but the XBox One appears so that it becomes possible.

8. multiple cards in one

Apple and Google have been groping for years how to wallet, digital, but a recent project called the Coin by simplifying the concept of the big top have made substantial progress. Coin can all take all of your credit card, debit card into your App, and the greatest Coin itself can hold 8 cards, can be directly replaced in the App store of Coin cards, in your wallet, you only need one card will suffice. Although now Coin will be launched next year, but released in November tech video card owners caused a lot of discussion.

9. space self portrait

Whether it likes it or not, 2013 is crazy self a year, there's even a dedicated to the social network--Shots and self portrait of Me, a self portrait (Selfie) is editor of the Oxford dictionary named 2013 vocabulary over the past 12 months, how often it used up 170 times. But ever since in space picture? Planetary resource development company (Planetary Resources) through the adoption of related applications allow people to request sent to satellite operations team to achieve in space "self portrait". Staff by people's self portrait displayed on the external monitor, then, this telescope is equipped with Extensible camera arm camera the space people self portrait background.

Scientific and technological development is particularly rapid, think back to a year ago and now, our life is far from the colorful, I do not know by this time next year, what technology will be our life decoration? The most exciting of this year's nine science and technology innovation, which one do you like best?


外媒评2013年科技界的9大创新 - 科技创新,谷歌眼镜,Touch ID,智能手表 - IT资讯


1. Oculus Rift

Oculus Rift是一款虚拟现实显示器,能够使你身体感官中“视觉”的部分如同进入逼真的数字世界中,比如Titans of Space或者Rogue System,这些游戏目前虽然只是初级阶段,体验也是相当的简陋,但是Oculus Rift仍然给我们留下了深刻的印象,未来说不准哪天就能够让你全身心浸入游戏之中。


从Vine,到Instagram Video,再到Snapchat,从没想到如此简单的视频分享竟然会如此流行,2013年,无数个人和公司都利用这个方式制造了数不清创造力十足的视频。另外一个叫Cousin Terio的胖胖小男孩因为短视频分享因外走红(翻墙可见)。





5.Touch ID

今年9月份苹果发布iPhone 5S的时候,顺带了一个特别讨喜的创新——指纹解锁,相信不少人已经体验过手指轻轻抚过Home键瞬间解锁的快感,这项功能对于苹果来说仿佛信手拈来,在iPhone 5S上已经十分成熟。

6.Elon Musk的超级高铁计划

「钢铁侠」Elon Musk在今年八月用一份长达57页的PDF文件公布了他「超级高铁」的详细计划,如果能够建造成功,人类就能够以每小时800英里的速度贴着地面飞奔——未来从旧金山到洛杉矶只需要半个小时。还有一个好消息,为此而生的公司已经注册完毕——Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, Inc.

7. Xbox One + Kinect=一体化娱乐

今年11月份,微软发布了Xbox One,拯救了那些从2005年开始玩XBox 360并且早已腻烦的人,XBox One搭配了一个灵敏度很高,可以读取用户动作和手势的Kinect来增强人体与游戏,甚至是直播电视或者电影的互动性。一体化娱乐被叫嚣了很多年,但XBox One的出现使其变得可能。




无论喜不喜欢,2013年是疯狂自拍的一个年头,甚至还有了专门为自拍而生的社交网络——Shots of Me,自拍(Selfie)被《牛津词典》编辑评为2013年度词汇,在过去12个月里,它的使用频率上涨了170倍。但是有想过在太空里的自拍照吗?行星资源开发公司(Planetary Resources)利用通过相关的应用程序让人们将请求寄送至人造卫星操作团队,实现太空中“自拍”。工作人员通过将民众的自拍照展示在外部检测器上,接着,这台太空望远镜上配备的可延伸照相手臂将拍摄下的太空背景变人们自拍照的背景。



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