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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/12/14 9:13:29 Edit(编辑)
Cool travel tools were brutally blocked in Shanghai,

Cool travel tools were brutally blocked in Shanghai,

Cool walking tool balance were brutally blocked in Shanghai-electric car, electric bicycle, electric motorcycle-IT news
Tortured by Shanghai cool tool ban

Beijing News December 13, according to the information Office of the Shanghai Municipal Government official Micro-Blog "published in Shanghai," said Shanghai municipal police departments are balance of thorough investigation of electric car on-road behavior. According to the provisions of the Shanghai bicycle management approach, power balance does not have the right of way, not on-Road: on motor vehicles used on the road, according to Cap a fine of 50 Yuan; in the bicycle lane and sidewalk use, fined 20 dollars.

Traffic police pointed out that electric balance car on the road, but there are many important security issues. Electric car balance inverted pendulum system based on principle, no steering wheel or throttle and brake. And brake and accelerator entirely according to the rider's body tilt control, if it is not controlled, the consequences would be unthinkable.

Electric balancing vehicle does not belong to the category of motor vehicle, so users without licensing, as a result, many people use electric balance was very casual, in particular young Fashionista, speed variable speed, on the motorway cut behavior more generally, which greatly hampered the normal passage of other vehicles, affected the orderly flow of traffic.

And because the electric balancing car unable to buy car insurance, third party liability insurance, it only pays the loss caused by traffic accidents, coupled with electric balancing vehicle without a licence, without a license, if hit, would give traffic accident investigation and disposal of very difficult, so that the rights of victims are not duly protected.

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