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published in(发表于) 2016/5/6 7:53:55 Edit(编辑)
Google’s secret use of 1.6 million patients privacy data, and should not,

Google’s secret use of 1.6 million patients privacy data, and should not,(谷歌秘密使用160万病人隐私数据,不应该,)



Google's secret use of 1.6 million patients of private data should not-Google, privacy, artificial intelligence, information on AlphaGo-IT

When Google its DeepMind London companies will be able to get Royal Tzu operating three hospitals NHS Trust Fund (Barnet, and Chase Farm and the Royal Free) 1.6 million patients NHS (United Kingdom national health service) when the news of the record was released, alarm bells rang.

This is not only because the British are fiercely guarded their private medical records; not just because their tentacles into every corner of our lives of giant squid and Google wants to "organize the world's information"; not only because patients are less likely to agree that Google acquired this information.

DeepMind ▲ Google AlphaGo and world champion Li Shishi chess game broadcast, AlphaGo win

For many people, the problem is that these fears and artificial intelligence (AI) the concept of weaving together. DeepMind is not a normal company, it is a company that focuses on artificial intelligence, technology developed to demonstrate intelligent reasoning abilities.

Last year, the company's engineers have published a paper saying the company developed a copy of "professional human video game tester" program. In March, Google DeepMind developed a master with a 3,000-year history of the Chinese board game go, which made history until then, go the huge number of possible steps, it is believed that currently are not able to master the game of technology. In the game as a milestone in the calculation of, the company's AlphaGo 4-1 defeated the World Chess Champion.

Before the illness cure

Now, such a company has all these people's detailed database of medical records, privacy, although anonymous, including HIV infection, drug overdoses and abortion information of the past. DeepMind says it needs the data to try to prevent acute kidney injury in hospital medical alarm signal.

Some fear is that DeepMind database may be permitted for purposes outside of the provisions. Public facts for NHS patients ' privacy is not guaranteed has been no stranger to--2014 years, because of medical confidentiality concerns may be at risk, the Government was forced to suspend and then scaled back their proposal to create a single English-language medical database.

DeepMind did not hide its work with the NHS, the company announced in February that it is working with the medical service cooperation in developing an application called Streams to help doctors and nurses monitor kidney disease patients. It did not release data, including patient's past medical history, is the degree of access. DeepMind got not just thousands of patients with renal injury data, but all of these hospital patient records. That's millions of classified documents.

The company said it needs the entire patient database, to make the Streams available. Supporters of such databases claiming to have this kind of data, you can quickly develop powerful software package for diagnosing diseases.

New Scientist magazine received its DeepMind and data sharing agreements between the NHS, which discloses what information will be provided to DeepMind. The Google company's skill is to recognize complex patterns in large amounts of data--and the NHS is such a "deep learning" a gold mine.

This treasure trove is filled with hospital daily activity logs, such as the location and status of the patient records--when and who visited them. DeepMind also records the patient's pathology and radiology.

In addition to real-time data, DeepMind also has the right to use intensive care and accident and Emergency Department of history. In theory, DeepMind tinker with these information can be based on these more than any individual digestion and analysis of data developed ability to forecast.

By comparing patient data DeepMind may be able to predict a person in some there are no obvious symptoms in the early stages of the disease. This is the Holy Grail of medical fields: not when people are sick patients, but to heal them before they were ill.

Utopia? It might be. The vision behind these technologies there is the crux of the dilemma of the age in which we live. Google, Facebook and other company's survival depends on this fact: our own right to privacy in Exchange for use of the data and development of new technologies.

An "intelligence explosion"

And Apple, Google's reputation is building in the area of medical applications. In fact, academia will be machine learning in health care is not news. However, access to these data being handed over to one of the biggest and most powerful companies in the world. This brings us to a question, that is, the company may soon become the largest company in the NHS health analysis, resulting in a de facto monopoly.

AI represents something new, a program that hopes to improve itself and will soon exceed human intelligence. This is known as an "intelligence explosion"--a human ushered the nodes of its own destruction. We have at this point is still some distance away. Even if there is such a target price, and still nobody developed a respect for social and moral norms of the machine. In humans, this is very difficult.

Some might say such deductions are absurd. After all, Microsoft's Twitter chat robot Tay into a racist and shout a few hours before the genocide, she was then closed. But, as originally invested in DeepMind inventor Yilong·masike said, was the "Terminator" technology concerns drove him to warn of its dangers.

May sound business reasons, DeepMind people operate under the watchful eye of. But it usually brings more questions than given answers. Google in 2014 to £ 400 million takeover DeepMind technology of creation of artificial intelligence, the Ethics Committee is still one of the biggest mysteries, both companies have declined to say who the Committee.

Artificial intelligence data needs to be learning, so Google DeepMind to absorb all of these records. So why the secrecy? If the patient has been informed how things worked and why, they can make an informed choice. If they think Google is in the NHS the potential risk of a monopoly on the key technologies of the new miss its benefits, let us debate it. But if the company does not make any explanation, is conducted in secrecy, the public would certainly not endorse such a plan.

谷歌秘密使用160万病人隐私数据,不应该 - 谷歌,隐私,人工智能,AlphaGo - IT资讯

谷歌旗下位于伦敦的公司DeepMind将可以获取皇家慈济NHS信托基金运营的三家医院(Barnet、Chase Farm和the Royal Free)的160万病人的NHS(英国国家医疗服务体系)记录的消息被公布出来时,警钟敲响了。










New Scientist杂志获得了DeepMind和NHS之间的数据共享协议,该协议披露了哪些信息会被提供给DeepMind。这家谷歌公司的技能是在大量数据中识别复杂模式——而NHS是这样的“深度学习”的一座金矿。











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