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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/8/12 2:39:21 Edit(编辑)
Claims of 2.32 million Yuan, Jen Sue soufun infringement of portrait

Claims of 2.32 million Yuan, Jen Sue soufun infringement of portrait

Claims of 2.32 million Yuan, Jen Sue soufun infringement of portrait-soufun, Jen-IT news Claims of 2.32 million Yuan, Jen Sue soufun infringement of portrait

Not long ago, soufun due to unauthorized use of artist Zhang Liang publicity photo was ordered to pay 150,000 dollars. Recently, the site again for alleged infringement of portrait by Jen in Haidian Court, were claims of 2.32 million Yuan.

Jen claims, which in June this year, informed, soufun, in its Web site, put their photos without permission as hengwei company-owned "hengwei international city (for sale)" real estate of commercial promotion. The advertising requirements by estate said: Richie Ren (KING OF ASIA) came July 5 hengwei international city; from 90 to 140 square meters; innovation 4S housing 50,000 VIP upgrade unpopular appointments, advertising business, propaganda is obvious.

Jen believes that its Department of movies, television, songs, set in a famous entertainer, attention and love, whose portrait has a high commercial value. Soufun and property companies deliberately misleading and irresponsible acts of commercial advertising, easily misunderstood his real estate project associated with the two defendants advertised business partnership. Accordingly, Jen made the claim above.

At present, the case is under further investigation.

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