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published in(发表于) 2016/6/11 7:41:53 Edit(编辑)
United States unilaterally announced the termination of high speed rail project, China had be dealt with according to law,

United States unilaterally announced the termination of high speed rail project, China had be dealt with according to law,(美方单方宣布终止高铁项目合作,中方称已依法进行交涉,)



United States unilaterally announced the termination of high speed rail project, China has been intervening with the law-information on high-speed rail-IT

Recently, the media reported that the United States express company suddenly announced in the West end Railway Corporation and China railway international United States company's cooperation . In this regard, the Chinese railway company issued a statement yesterday, said it had be dealt with according to law. Last September, under the China Railway Corp railway international United States companies and companies said in a joint statement for the Western Express, will form a joint venture company to speed up start high-speed rail project connecting Las Vegas and Los Angeles. The 370-kilometre project, initial investment of $ 100 million, a total investment of $ 12.7 billion, originally planned to start in September this year. Allegedly, this is the United States the first high-speed railway construction project.

United States express company in Western Beijing time June 9 announcement in its official website said formal end and iron of China international United States company for the construction of United States high speed passenger rail joint venture and all the company's activities.

China railway international United States company said Western express line in negotiations, the company issued a statement to that effect was hasty and irresponsible, iron always vowed to spare no effort to defend their interests. China railway international United States company also said that unilaterally announced the news of the Western express violation of the framework cooperation agreement signed, which expressly provides that, without approval of the other party, and neither party may unilaterally declare information.

China's railway company said in a statement, United States West express company and iron of China international United States signed the agreement, unilaterally released news of the termination of the project in cooperation, this behavior is wrong and irresponsible, Chinese railway company objected, and be dealt with according to law. Both sides agreed in the framework of cooperation agreement, either release the relevant information, must be approved by the consent of the other party.

美方单方宣布终止高铁项目合作,中方称已依法进行交涉 - 高铁 - IT资讯





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