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published in(发表于) 2016/5/15 6:17:49 Edit(编辑)
Pick up a thousand phone, women return for 800 Yuan payment was ridicule,

Pick up a thousand phone, women return for 800 Yuan payment was ridicule,(捡到一部千元手机,女子归还索要八百元酬金遭吐槽,)



Pick up a thousand phone, the woman returned for 800 honorarium was spit Groove-mobile phone, remuneration-IT information

Public after the bears lost a cell phone, contact person Chua, Xiong promised to give each other a certain payment token of appreciation, both about time and place the return of mobile phones. This is a happy thing, but because both sides dispute the amount of the remuneration, until the bears to police.

Is greatly to say virtue when we picked up and returned to the property of others, is there any right to ask for payment? Remuneration is there a limit? This reporter conducted interviews.

? Frame-independent

The day before yesterday afternoon, Han, shapingba district, Chongqing bus station, next to a man and a woman on the platform had a bad quarrel, attracted a large number of people watching.

Originally, Xiong Samsung phone in jiulongpo district yangjiaping Zoo lost that day, went home after the discovery. Holding a try, Xiong dialed his cell phone, surnamed CAI, Lady answered the phone, saying he picked up Mr bear cell phone. After the two said a few words, Xiong agreed to Chua proposed giving some reward to return the mobile phone requirements. Later, the two men arranged to meet in the Han, shapingba district, Chongqing bus station.

But two people meet, Chua asked Xiong to 800 Yuan paid by Mr bear flat out refused .

Xiong said not for refusing to give, but think of the Samsung phone has been used for years but thousands Yuan worth, Chua asked for too high a honorarium of 800 Yuan. Chua believes that from shapingba district of jiulongpo district yangjiaping arrived Han Yu Lu, not only wasting your time, money should also be included in the remuneration.

Argument she made it clear that, if not for 800 Yuan, he will not put the phone back to bear. "Although the phone itself is worthless, but all know that inside the phone information is missing, such as a problem. "She couldn't--understand the meaning of the intangible value of this mobile phone is far higher than the phone itself.

Or back to their cell phones, Xiong Xian but had to choose the alarm. 110, shapingba district police quickly arrived on the scene.

Due to the bear and Mr Chua disagree, arguing the fierce, resulting in a large number of people watching, police at this juncture to lead the two sides to continue consultations within the police. "You pick up the phone and ask for restitution must be paid is reasonable. "The police tell Chua," However, in accordance with the legal provisions, keepers have lost properties returned to the right holder's obligation. The lost property, person shall notify the right holder to receive or sent to the Public Security Bureau and other relevant departments. ”

Xiong told police he was willing to give Chua rewards, but 800 is too high. Coordinated by the police, the two sides will eventually fix the contract gratuity of 500 Yuan, bears in police testimony, delivery fee back after a lost cell phone.

Police told reporters yesterday that the parties, with the rapid development of the society, increasingly frequent population flow, significantly increase the risk of lost items, lost items Finder for safekeeping or restitution of stolen property will produce a variety of expenses. Real right law of China provides that when the right people get lost, should be lost to people or departments concerned to pay necessary expenses incurred such as safekeeping. "However, is the traditional virtue of Chinese nation greatly, we first need to advocate finds lost property handed over to the police or to the police station . ”

Lawyer claims

Cable greatly reward pick up payment should be punished

Zeng Jie Chongqing evening news News lawyers lawyers said in an interview yesterday, not explicitly required by the law to pick up something when you return how much should you ask for reward, but should carry forward the traditional virtues of greatly. People who pick up things, you can ask for a certain amount of transportation costs or delay compensation. In law, regardless of the other party to give rewards, Finder must return stolen property, or a violation of the criminal law.

112th article 1th of the property law stipulates: when the right person lost, should be lost to people or departments concerned to pay necessary expenses incurred such as safekeeping. 2nd paragraph: rights holders offered a reward for the lost property, collect lost property should be in accordance with the commitment to meet their obligations. In other words, the owner in the case of a reward, must pay Finder fees as promised. In the case of not offering a reward, keepers can also ask the owner for money, but the money is not a reward, but keepers in safekeeping when costs, such as loss of fees, money, etc. If the person due to the owner not to give custody to court, keepers have to have proof that their requests are generated due to the safekeeping.

Zeng Jie said, need to be reminded of is that pick up things must be returned. Picked up if not submitted, not returned, will be subject to punishment . Of the property law of the 3rd paragraph of the 112th article: Finder occupation of lost property, the right to request for safekeeping and other costs, have no right to request the right holder in accordance with the commitment to meet their obligations. In other words, keepers tried to lost property as their own, once discovered, the owner would not have to carry out their promises to offer a reward. In addition, the real right Act also stipulates that the finds must also, and take care of, if the amount of refusing to return, suspected of embezzlement.

Overall, according to the legal provisions in force, when the owner received property, shall pay a reward to the Finder's reward. Is not a reward, the owner has no legal obligation to pay compensation, but should pay the lost man costs incurred for safekeeping.

Know a little more

Restitution of lost foreign rewards


Article No. 971 of the German Civil Code stipulates:

(A) the person may require rights holders to accept to pay Finder rewards. Lost properties valued at 1000 Germany Deutsche marks (euros before the Germany currency--Editor's note), which paid for the value of 5%; above that number, the portion calculated by 3%; animals as the value of 3%.

(B) found in violation of the reporting obligation or hide lost properties when you ask, these claims will destroy.


Article 4th of the lost property Act:

Items returned should be not less than item price 5% 20% rewards gold objects, not more than the price paid in person. However, the public corporation may not request reward payments.

(Original title: woman finds a thousand phone return for 800 honorarium)

捡到一部千元手机,女子归还索要八百元酬金遭吐槽 - 手机,酬金 - IT资讯




























(原标题:女子捡到一部千元手机 归还索要八百酬金)

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