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WebService在.NET中的实战应用教学视频 → 第5集
qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/16 8:32:09 Edit(编辑)
Trash can on a tall, full automatically notifies the garbage man,

Trash can on a tall, full automatically notifies the garbage man,

Trash on the tall, filled with garbage-bin is automatically notified, youth innovation-IT information Trash on the tall, full automatic notification sanitation workers

Community rubbish, what will happen? Trash automatically texted cleaners/home drain plug how to detect, using acoustic resonance measuring duct length ... ... Yesterday, young inventors the World Cup was known as the th China Youth creativity contest held in Guangdong experimental high school. The activity set up Zhong Nanshan innovation award.

Yesterday, from 12 provinces, such as Guangdong, Zhejiang, more than more than 500 players participated. Reporters at the scene saw, province student's invention is "tall". Not only combined with real life, using the principles of all kinds of knowledge and at the same time go beyond textbook knowledge, playing a bold imagination and creativity.

Classes in the trash bin of province students nuo Li and Yu Yanjia, usually find junk pretty cleaners hasn't come up at times, overpowering. So they designed a "resource small guards"-resource recovery and management advise and disinfection system. Install two infrared probe in the trash, if obstructions are detected, trash will send messages to the system, the system sends text messages to the appropriate cleaners on your phone. When the trash can is full, and no clean up for a long time, managers can start button start disinfection lamps. "Guangzhou now preparing to implement regular launch spam, if also for failing to clean up the trash in the House under disinfection, also pretty good. "Teachers at the scene said.

High school student Zhao Zi and Hu Runyu said, usually an alarm clock to wake, every woke up, feeling very uncomfortable, coupled with our modern insomnia, they want to invent a "sleep-keeper". From the third grade to start learning programming Hu Runyu, kicks like cryptography, students spent one semester time to design the 6 version of "sleep Butler", from a very bulky instruments to the ultimate comfort eye mask, using sound and light, can induce you to sleep or wake up very quietly, and not as stimulating as alarm clock sound.

According to reports, the creative contest was also the 66th Germany trials of Nuremberg international invention exhibition in China, will be represented at the Germany world class innovation competition organised by.

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