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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/12/11 9:22:14 Edit(编辑)
2014 top ten most frustrated the Science Guy: worst CEO announced

2014 top ten most frustrated the Science Guy: worst CEO announced

2014 top ten most frustrated the Science Guy: worst-Nokia CEO is known, Mr Elop, Microsoft, fast play, Thunder-IT news
2014 top ten most frustrated the Science Guy: worst CEO announced

2014 will come to an end, recalling the ups and downs of technology of the year, what big brothers are you impressed? The saying goes, "turn by turn Feng Shui" scenery such as Jack Ma, natural shine. Which of them were tough? Today we are going to check those frustrated guys.

1, Wang Xin fast play CEO

Fast play CEO Wang Xin earlier this year because the company spread obscene was arrested by the public security organs. Wang Xin in a CCTV interview tears choked up on several occasions, and said chances do exist. Although Wang Xin had expressed remorse, but his trial will be the law. "Play artifact" fast play is also facing hefty fines of 260 million.

2, Gong Haiyan jiayuan founder

"China's Internet matchmaker first" Gong Haiyan, after leaving jiayuan network began in the second pioneering online education, have initiated a 91 teaches and ladder network, but did not have an easy time. Ladder networks capital chain rupture, Gong Haiyan return 91 foreign teacher and CEO after Zheng Jinli disagreement, leading to 91 teachers personnel turmoil broke out, ran Zheng Jinli.

3, Chen Ouju beauty best CEO

4 years ago he "speak for themselves" high out of the way road, founder of Ju mei excellent goods this year May gather on the stocks stage beauty. But in the market shortly after the poly-us suspected of intentionally fake mired in fake waves. Market value had fallen by half of poly-us now are of high quality product by United States firm surveys, since it listed shares also hit a new low.

4, Zou shenglong Thunderbolt CEO

Thunderbolt itself into piracy after the blacklisting, the financial reports released a new Thunderbolt listed shares a few got cut in half a year, market value RMB 3 billion. NET network operations as the country further, its pop service due to false information spread pornography has been shut down.

5, Chen Tianqiao, Chairman of Shanda

Sale of Shanda games, Shanda literature acquisition, resigned from the post of Chairman of Shanda games, Chen Tianqiao outsiders an impression of the variety, as the once pioneering task seem grand badmouthing. Chen by Shanda games started 15 years ago, now say goodbye to the game, to be used for investment, it inevitably makes people feel: the Grand is dead, no more heroes!

6, Yu netqin former CEO

Since being muddy waters after the short, netqin was clenched onto by muddy waters, netqin also had long been a roller coaster. Yu himself was trapped in the muddy quagmire, opening his Twitter, ten has eight for muddy waters event rumor, "State investigative report confirmed that the water charges ridiculous! "But any excuse is hard to solve crisis. Recently, netqin announced Yu stepped down as CEO positions.

7, Shen Zong were Samsung Electronics Co-CEO

Although just proved to be a false alarm, co-CEO of Samsung Electronics Shen Zongjun will remain co-CEO post. But because of Samsung Electronics has been slipping in the performance this year, Shen Zong reward at present just before the half. And this while Shen Zong remain in Samsung Electronics head of mobile position, but his three right-hand man of outgoing.

8, Paul Jacobs Qualcomm CEO

In this wave,, seems to have heard of "monopoly" in the word, Jacob wants to blurt out to say "sorry". Since the antitrust investigation of Qualcomm in China since last year, news that the fastest investigation results released by the national development and Reform Commission will by the end of this year, and once resulted in the creation of anti-monopoly, Qualcomm will face fines of up to $ 1.2 billion.

9, Elop, Nokia's former CEO

Nokia's acquisition by Microsoft, Elop joined Microsoft Executive Vice President, any devices unit. There were rumours that he intended to sell the XBox business, but it's Microsoft matters or not yet been listed on the agenda. Now the former boomers is fading concern people's vision, has little on his report later this year. Recently Finland reporter in his new book, said of Stephen Elop: "one of the world's worst CEO".

10, before Ballmer Microsoft CEO

Microsoft CEO Ballmer was replaced by Nader role, when its biggest pain point--stock prices that seemed to live. Unlike Ballmer shares a few of the times be cut Nadela times Microsoft's shares have been rising. And he dominated before leaving the Nokia acquisition basically ignored by Microsoft, Nokia employee layoffs, Nokia brand is also the brink of disappearing. Left, Steve Ballmer is the new unresponsive, many mergers fail and other negative comments.

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