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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/24 8:37:22 Edit(编辑)
New rule: shop sale food, trading platform for joint and several responsibility,

New rule: shop sale food, trading platform for joint and several responsibility,

New rule: shop sale food, food trading platform for joint and several responsibility-online shopping, online food trading platform, food safety-IT news New rule: shop sale food, trading platform jointly and severally responsible:

A problem with buying food online to do, there is no provision in the current food safety laws. According to yesterday's filing 12 session of the national people's Congress Nineth meeting consideration of the draft amendments to the food safety law, food trading third-party platform if failure to fulfil obligations, so consumers ' legitimate rights and interests are infringed shall bear joint and several liability, and pay in advance.

According to the State food and Drug Administration introduced, were gaps in current food safety laws in some areas, such as regulating health foods, shopping food regulatory system. This practice, aiming at ensuring added a provision of online shopping.

The draft stipulates that the network food trading platform for third-party provider shall obtain the food production business license, shall examine the network operator's license or food network food operators are implementing real-name registration, assume the responsibility for food safety management.

Third-party platform providers found on the net-food operators act in violation of food safety law, should be promptly stopped, and immediately report the third-party platform provider engaged in food manufacturing, licensing and food and drug supervision administration.

Buy food problems, to whom this claim? Clearly, consumers purchased food deal with third-party platforms across a network of food whose legitimate rights and interests are harmed, you can demand compensation from the network operators or producers of food.

According to the draft, if a third party platform provider cannot provide access food producers ' true name, address and valid contact information, platform provider compensation by third parties. Third-party platform provider compensation has the right to recourse against the network operators of food or food producers.

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