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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/9 5:33:22 Edit(编辑)
Supercomputer dug coins theft: not enough electricity in the value,

Supercomputer dug coins theft: not enough electricity in the value,

Misappropriation of supercomputer dug coins: the value of electricity-enough coins digging machines, coins, super computer-IT news Misappropriation of supercomputer dug coins: currency enough electricity

Abstract: academic researchers took advantage of the two United States universities super computer to tap into coins, but the record was poor, and only 12 to 16 pieces of coins were struck.

Bitcoin rage was rich by many of the world's desire to purchase "coins digging machine" to dig for coins. Recently, the United States academia, a scandal broke, a researcher, using Government-funded University supercomputer, clandestinely excavated coins, and by banning the use of supercomputer resources severely punished.

So-called mining machine is configured with a private coins algorithm for mining software and computer equipment, coins set off after the boom, some manufacturers also introduced a high performance mining machine, its power consumption remains high.

United States Science Foundation in an inspection report in March that revealed the scandal, the report does not refer to specific research on the identity of persons.

Allegedly, the academic researchers respectively took advantage of two United States universities super computer to mine coins, but the record was poor, he can dig up to 12 to 16 silver coins, converted into equivalent of US $ 8,000 to $ 10,000.

After he was found outside, the researcher lied about himself was tested on a supercomputer research, but confirmed the two universities, not authorized by the investigator to carry out any tests that use supercomputers.

Both universities were reported, said the researchers involved, by means of a remote login using supercomputers, he tried to hide his identity, even a computer first logs on to the European site, and return to the log on United States University supercomputer.

United States Forbes website and other media, academics, Government and universities to use supercomputers, digging coins, the scandal already has precedent. For example, before the researchers at Harvard University and United Kingdom Imperial College London student, earning money for themselves has been found that the use of the University computer.

However, using academic research supercomputers mining coins, it may be a misunderstanding. Editor of the journal of the bitcoin BrianCohen said, now on the market with strong performance of bitcoins mining machines, University supercomputer performance does not compete with the mining machines, using bitcoin supercomputer mining also lack common sense, these high performance computer power consumption is huge, and dug into the value of bitcoin, isn't that enough electricity to pay computer.

According to United States Science Foundation's report, in the wake of the outcome of the investigation, the Foundation has undertaken a comprehensive ban this researcher, who will be banned from using Government-funded supercomputer resources.

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