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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/7 8:56:07 Edit(编辑)
This potential savings: Thunderbolt “members pause“ feature on-line,

This potential savings: Thunderbolt “members pause“ feature on-line,

This potential savings: Thunderbolt "members pause" feature on-line-Thunder members pause, Member of the Thunder, Thunder-IT news This potential savings: Thunderbolt "members pause" feature on-line

Today, Thunder has launched a new feature: Member pause function. This feature is designed to serve those who temporarily do not need Internet download service for various arrangements of members of a member privileges suspended service, and when you come back again using the member function only can be reactivated. So that you don't have to worry about waste of membership fees to work or play, really, that saves a large amount of membership fees for members.

Thunder official propaganda and language: the summer is fast approaching, many students preparing for the exam party, business talent, tourism people, international students ... ... You're busy with trivial, suddenly found himself one day membership has expired! With this pause feature, MOM no longer worry about my membership expired!

However, the limit was suspended for 1 times per month, 3 times a year, but the pause time.

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