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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/24 8:37:48 Edit(编辑)
There is a Nest that Google can know if you are at home,

There is a Nest that Google can know if you are at home,

There is a Nest that Google can know if you are at home-Google, Nest, smart home-IT news There is a Nest that Google can know if you are at home

On June 24, Nest Labs intelligent home company will for the first time with a parent company Google to share some user data.

Nest Labs co-founder mate·luojiesi (Matt Rogers) said in an interview, Google will let Google Apps Nest connection, move lets Google know the user is at home.

After the consolidation, Nest to the Google Mobile app users can issue voice commands, and then set the room temperature. Using intelligent mobile positioning function, when Google users found on my way home, personal digital assistants service Google Now can automatically adjust the temperature of the room.

Rogers said the Nest users must choose to share information with Google. "We will not become the Google of this big machine parts. "He said.

In fact, the Nest has just announced another smart home developer gets their user data, Nest tried to become a smart home-oriented operating systems. Data-sharing has raised concerns about user privacy, Google in particular, this involved.

Market research firm Gartner analyst laien·bulao (Brian Blau) says: "how to handle all user data? This is Google and Nest issues need to be carefully handled. When it comes to family, users tend to have higher expectations for privacy security. ”

In January this year, when Google announced the acquisition of Nest, Rogers had tried to address that concern. He wrote in his blog: "for use of customer information to improve Nest's products and services, our privacy policy has clear limits. We consistently take privacy concerns seriously, this policy will not change. ”

Nest to share data for the user is at home, these data were obtained through the Nest of thermostat sensor. Rogers said that when users make Nest associated smart homes and other related accounts, Nest does not share the user's e-mail address with other companies, names or addresses.

Rogers also said that including all cooperating companies, Google will need to inform your users that data usage. Use of mobile applications, user can also be a key to terminate the Nest device data sharing. In addition, the integration with Google and "third party".

On Friday, the Nest announced that the company would buy video surveillance startup Dropcam for 555 million dollars. In this way, Dropcam users of real-time video would fall into the hands of Google.

Nest to share with Google account information, privacy protection agency is to be assessed. A United States customer privacy Department of civil society gusiting·bulukeman (Justin Brookman) that Nest how to describe specific information to users to share content, which is to assess the major areas of concern.

He says: "users should control their own information. "If the Nest detailed instructions to the user to share content, and control options, users don't have to worry about potential privacy and security threats.

At present, we don't know whether Google will acquire new user information. It is learnt that the user's mobile phone, Google Maps application can monitor the user's home address and place of work.

Rogers said: "we will not share information it has yet to learn to Google. ”

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