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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/1 2:36:58 Edit(编辑)
Microsoft authorized protection of animals, IE11 makes the moon bears marks of Public welfare website

Microsoft authorized protection of animals, IE11 makes the moon bears marks of Public welfare website(微软保护动物获认可,IE11打造月熊标志公益网站,)

Microsoft's protected animals recognized, IE11 build community station of the month Xiong Zhi-Microsoft, IE11, month Xiong Zhi-IT information Microsoft's protected animals recognized, Xiong Zhi IE11 build month public service station

On November 29, in Beijing, the animals Asia Foundation (hereinafter AAF) was established on 15 anniversary, AAF had granted Microsoft's "best education contribution Award", in recognition of their support and contribution to the protection of animals, and to work together with IE11 launched " month Xiong Zhi " community site.

Microsoft Windows products, General Manager of greater China Wei Qing said: "Microsoft has long been committed to supporting the development of public welfare and education. In order to get more users to networked immersive understanding of this project, we give full play to the IE11 browser advantage leading-edge technology, optimized for touch devices increasingly mainstream, we construct a browsing experience than ever before. By rich 3D animation, HD photos and videos, as well as the touch of nature, so people can get on the page, such as immersive user experience generally smoother, more intuitive understanding of the story of moon bears to protect, and is able to make friends and fun interactive content, so as to better mobilize the enthusiasm of everyone involved in it. ”

AAF's Jill Robinson MBE, founder said in an interview: "we are very pleased to work with Microsoft's IE team for this awesome. New IE11 browser will enhance the next generation Web experience, it also makes our efforts and moon bears story demonstrated in such an interesting and attractive way, but also lets more people online to see. I believe that this experience be able to make more and more young people are aware of animal welfare and join our ranks. I very much hope that we can enjoy this experience. "IE11 is leading the transformation of the browser experience, for a better experience, with a new rendering of the content, allowing more users to focus on the content itself.

Through this cooperation with the IE team, AAF was able to adopt a new rendering of the line, to show the reader a more comprehensive knowledge of animal protection. Different from traditional Web site is, "month Xiong Zhi" the breakthrough appearance to design a view of three books, combined with the fully optimize touch experience, allows users to understand the world of moon bears as a book and AAF to improve the survival environment of moon bears for their tireless efforts.


微软保护动物获认可,IE11打造月熊志公益站 - 微软,IE11,月熊志 - IT资讯






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