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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/23 8:09:56 Edit(编辑)
Shun Feng Haitao service pre-launch, 7-10 days delivered to your door,

Shun Feng Haitao service pre-launch, 7-10 days delivered to your door,(顺丰海淘服务即将上线,7至10天送货上门,)

Shun Feng Haitao service pre-launch, Shun Feng Haitao days delivered to your door-7-10, SFBuy, purchased the sea games, sea washes, SF, sea washes TRANS-IT overseas shopping information Shun Feng Haitao service pre-launch, 7-10 days delivered to your door

January 22, several days ago, SF supported "sea washes the" service SFBuy United States stations opened, just learned recently SF will open user registration.

Hai Shun Feng Feng Yun SFBuy was purchased for overseas transport services on the shopping site, at present only within a group of SF shopping overseas forwarding services provided by employees and friends, Shun Feng internal email user registration required.

It is learnt that the SF in the second half of last year have been testing SFBuy, was said publicly in recent days will be open for all users registered. Shun feng says, the sea washes the goods from the United States go to 7-10 working days only in mainland China, shipping charges as low as 25 percent, and also receive 30 days of free storage services.

SF support shopping site encompasses the beauty treatments, trendy fashion, shopping, health care and other areas of life, eBay, Amazon, such as GNC, and Avon, RueLaLa shopping website in the column, after fresh digital products bought abroad no longer have to worry about transportation issues.


顺丰海淘服务即将上线,7-10天送货上门 - 顺丰海淘,SFBuy,海购丰运,海淘,顺丰,海淘转运,海外购物 - IT资讯






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