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published in(发表于) 2016/7/18 6:42:05 Edit(编辑)
Car platform subsidies decline: drivers ’ income dropped, passenger car difficulties,

Car platform subsidies decline: drivers ’ income dropped, passenger car difficulties,(专车平台补贴下滑:司机收入大降,乘客叫车困难,)



Car platform subsidies decline: the drivers ' income dropped significantly-car passenger car difficulties, subsidies, car drivers-IT information

Car platform "frugal" driver passengers are uncomfortable

Subsidize weaker car harder

Which car the most favorable prices, has always been a top concern for passengers. In recent days, "which car best deals" arithmetic maxed your circle of friends , drops, excellent, easily the most cost-effective distance at a glance. Of course, this calculation there are multiple versions, each has its own view, which once again confirms the price still is the most important car platform competition and a battle points.

However, the subsidy has been hero car, greatly slowing trend these days, whether it is a driver side or passenger side, subsidies is not the main stadium. Subsidized boom after the car market but also how to play?

Subsidies drop driver earnings drop

Late last year, to begin aggressive back-filled campaign, users back to how much recharge, the equivalent fare fold, but also will collect the coupons, and attracted a large number of users. But now, easy to target the user's offers lower than ever before, before returning as much as filling, and now users single recharge more than 300 yuan, can obtain the 50% cash back balance.

Not only that, but easy on the driver-side subsidies are declining. Child master is easy to driver, "at the beginning, rush orders and economic models are award-winning Young car, each a maximum of 2.2 times and 2.6 times revenue, reward 48 caps, and by June, orders into a random prize every single highest incomes dropped to 1.3 times times, reward 32 caps, now less July. "This, to a certain extent against drivers ' enthusiasm.

In fact, not only is easy to, drops and steps of the drivers are facing a dilemma of revenues. Just two months forest Baker has been why didn't regret his car, because the subsidies continued to decline. " Two months ago, the morning and evening peaks of subsidies at least twice times, now only about 1.6 times. And the list is less and less, and sometimes have to wait half an hour to an hour before the list, 12 hours a day, revenues nearly 500 Yuan, oil money and wear and tear fees are deducted, net income was two hundred or three hundred Yuan, I really consider to be not to do it again . ”

Open most of the year drop car drivers master Zhao told reporters before about daily income in 2000, now only seven hundred or eight hundred Yuan, and revenue fell close to two-thirds, the main reason is that subsidized less. Driver end subsidies reduced of while, passengers end and no "benefit", drops drops travel in number a city of service costs rose has one-third, like in Beijing, di di express each km price by original of 1.5 Yuan rose to 1.8 Yuan, Shi long fee from original of 0.35 Yuan/minutes upgrade to 0.5 Yuan/minutes; original as long as select spell car, fare a price 7.9 Yuan of trip, now if no collection took, price is rose for 9.3 Yuan.

Taxi passengers sigh "money won't be"

Driver side impact reduction of the subsidies is not only the driver and passengers. Passengers feel directly is the car more difficult to call. Reporters several times in a row in the morning peak hours, like automatic dispatch, can also be called outside of the car, the driver can choose whether or not to any platform could barely call the car.

The old Korean Lady is easy to user, she told reporters that used to call convenient, alternative motor vehicles but now in the same place same time, take a taxi is getting harder. Lee also felt, she said, also see full return to activity, feeling good, and charge hundreds of dollars, but now found easy to take a taxi than before, often hit his car. "Means that even if you give me cash back, but I can't use the money, not to mention now. "Ms Li complained to reporters.

To this, said, this situation occurred because the user base is growing too fast, and drivers did not keep up with, resulting in vehicle demand . She also said that, so far in planning "Par" project, trying to get owners to become partners, through incentive policies to encourage more drivers to join the platform, so as to increase the supply of easy-to-use vehicle. However, the source did not disclose when to implement this plan.

Capital markets can't wait

"Capital markets limited patience, after all, all taxi platform are thinking about money-burning way. "It's easy to founder and CEO travel across a media interview, he said, even a taxi platform into more money, also think about how to return to the commercial nature, after all no one wants to put money into the road. Even with high finance revenue drop step in the near future, also expressed their intention to borrow huge amount of financing to revive subsidy war.

Analysys analyst Zhang told reporters, price is normal market behavior, in fact, take a taxi from major platform layout in the near future, expanding the eco-industrial chain is becoming a hot topic following the subsidy race strategy.

But analysts believe that prices move suggested investors are pressing the company to the last drop, reduction in subsidies. "The car industry has now entered ' Youth ', special advantage, began to crumble from the inside. "The analyst said.

In early crazy expensive subsidies increased retention, retained the drivers more difficult circumstances, more car market to play a variety of added value. Easy to clearly declare, completely say goodbye to traditional practices, they want to build a shared car ecology. Drops also carried out exploration of the whole industrial chain, has exposure to a drop the finance documents revealed that drops is opening up auto finance, consumer finance, and so on.

With the reduction of subsidies, car and consumer sides the honeymoon period is over, car drivers are angered by the sharp cut in subsidies at one end, one end is cheap "bad" passenger mass to burn money to support their business model has faced questioning. On the platforms, transition and accelerate industrial chain layout is the main theme of the car market for some time to come.

专车平台补贴下滑:司机收入大降,乘客叫车困难 - 专车,补贴,专车司机 - IT资讯




















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