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published in(发表于) 2016/6/1 8:05:51 Edit(编辑)
Ministry about emergency information platform on the line and a half months, has helped 14 children home

Ministry about emergency information platform on the line and a half months, has helped 14 children home(公安部儿童失踪信息紧急发布平台上线半月,已帮助14个孩子回家,)



Ministry about emergency information platform on the line and a half months, has helped 14 children home-child smuggling. Twitter, Amber Alert-IT information

IT news reported the Ministry of public security about emergency information platform on May 15 on the line from today June 1 children's day has been in the past 15 days, according to the Ministry of public security about platform publishing data, in the Police Department and the community's efforts, 14 children have been returned home safely.

As of May 31, @ child emergency missing information publishing platform of public security official micro-blog has received more than 220,000 Twitter users attention, 70 post total number of reads issued by more than 39 million.

On May 25, @ child emergency missing information publishing platform of public security sent a tweet, "Jiang ' an County in Yibin city, Sichuan province Road West near 13-year old boy in the play at 14 o'clock yesterday lost. Anxiously Yang, Yang, male, aged 13, Jiang ' an County, Sichuan province farming town. "After the information was released, Twitter was a push. 26th afternoon, Yang sees this information through the Internet, reported that their families find their own, voluntarily returned home.

公安部儿童失踪信息紧急发布平台上线半月,已帮助14个孩子回家 - 拐卖儿童.微博,安珀警报 - IT资讯


截至5月31日,@公安部儿童失踪信息紧急发布平台 官方微博已经获得了超过22万微博网友的关注,所发布的70条微博总阅读数超过3900万。

5月25日那天,@公安部儿童失踪信息紧急发布平台 发了一条微博,“四川省宜宾市江安县剧专大道西段附近13岁男孩于昨天14时走失。急寻杨宇,杨宇,男,13岁,四川省江安县留耕镇人。”该条信息发布后,微博进行了区域推送。26日下午,杨宇通过互联网看到这条信息,得知家人在报案寻找自己,主动回到了家中。

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