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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/20 7:48:50 Edit(编辑)
Members said farmer looked down on television broadcasters: prices

Members said farmer looked down on television broadcasters: prices(委员称农民看不起电视,广播公司:应涨价,)

Members said farmer looked down on television broadcasters: price-digital TV, set-top boxes-it news Members said farmer looked down on television broadcasters: prices

The afternoon of 16th in Guangdong in arts and group discussion of CPPCC plenary session of the second meeting, submitted to the MUI Fong's grass-roots members from Xinyi city, since TV digitization, many rural residents look down on TV. This caused immediate audience members tanks, and some even said, "a lot of old family conflicts, because of set-top boxes! "The MUI Fong said:" farmers pull the antenna on the roof before you can watch TV, now changed the set-top box, only has to pay money every month. The farmers of low income, is a very heavy burden, farmer's opinion on this . ”

The presence of another Member, the provincial radio and television networks, Chairman Zhang Jian took the thread of discourse: "83 counties in the province, only 15 of which did not become our affiliates! "He also revealed that a number of years, farmers in the province were able to watch HD TV. However, despite the listing of large amounts of data, and cost issues, Zhang Jian has been avoided. Mui Fong while listening and shaking, and eventually had to break Zhang's statement: "you haven't said, will reduce costs! ”

Zhang also did not answer, full-time-ying, Deputy Director of the Committee of CPPCC also speak: "not only rural people have opinions about set-top box costs, we city people will have something to say! We have made money, and many have to pay, people are not satisfied with! "Zhang Jian quickly refuted:" our standards for almost 10 years, price has doubled many times. I think this charge is not only inexpensive, cheap, supposed to rise . ”

This caused uproar. Members of one sentence, citing a STB other "sins"-poor quality of set-top boxes; design is too complex, a lot of people will not use it. Members also stated that: " your set-top box are well educated people are not capable of using, no culture more do not understand! Is how many old family conflicts . Couple watching television, according to the press it was gone, don't fight it! ”


委员称农民看不起电视,广播公司:应涨价 - 数字电视,机顶盒 - IT资讯






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