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published in(发表于) 2016/6/28 13:48:14 Edit(编辑)
Changchun gaokao exam takeout “number one scholar notes“: 50,

Changchun gaokao exam takeout “number one scholar notes“: 50,(长春高考状元考场外卖“状元笔记”:50元一本,)



Changchun gaokao exam takeout "number one scholar notes": 50 a-exam, note-IT information

Tests on the first day, after graduating from Tsinghua campus, Naked Science College entrance exam the first prize Liu Mohan, Jilin province, sold outside the examination room "number one scholar notes".

Publishing fine, full of sincerity, 50, sought after by many parents. "Gao Kao ' champion ' the notebook, there must be a lot of extracts, I give the kids a book. "The parents said.

The scene, many parents are "number one scholar notes," is very interested in, I hope to help children learn.

?On June 27, 2016, Changchun, a test outside the examination room, Changchun gaokao sold "top notes"

Jilin province science scholar, bare was admitted to the first name Liu Mohan with 708 points. Note 50, sought after by many parents, the day can sell hundreds of copies. After the issue of the press, some netizens think commercially-minded, but some netizens questioned the suspected illegal publishing.

Related knowledge : illegal publishing

1. the Publisher does not have legal qualifications. 2. public offerings in the community without permission. 3. the publication does not meet the relevant provisions of the State. 4. publications in violation of State laws and regulations.

长春高考状元考场外卖“状元笔记”:50元一本 - 高考状元,笔记 - IT资讯








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