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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/5 8:35:09 Edit(编辑)
Queen’s cash machine? Microsoft and European Union targeted,

Queen’s cash machine? Microsoft and European Union targeted,

Queen's cash machine?
Microsoft is being targeted by the EU-Microsoft, Amazon, the EU-IT news Queen's cash machine? Microsoft has been targeted by the European Union on

On July 5, according to a Bloomberg website report, three unnamed sources, Microsoft is the involvement of the European Union Luxembourg taxation one of the multinational investigation.

One of the sources said, the European Commission has Microsoft intellectual property business income taxes and Luxembourg to communicate.

In addition, two sources said, and McDonald's in Luxembourg by the Commission concern tax issue. The financial times quoted EU officials as saying yesterday, Amazon tax concerns. In order to combat tax havens, the European Commission against Apple last month in Ireland, Starbucks in the Netherlands, Fiat finance and trading company in Luxembourg launched an investigation into questionable tax exemptions.

Luxembourg's Finance Minister piaier·gelameigena (Pierre Gramegna) on CNBC today said, "we have been working on all these issues and maintain communication of the European Commission, Luxembourg believed the handling of these taxes without any problems. We will continue to provide the European Commission with the information they require. ”

Gukun·aermuniya, EU competition Commissioner (Joaquin Almunia) spokesman antuowan·keluomubani (Antoine Colombani) said, "the European Commission will continue to collect tax information from several Member States. However, we do not comment on which company-specific information was collected. ”

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