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published in(发表于) 2016/8/21 9:42:53 Edit(编辑)
After the three-body, female science fiction writers Hao Jingfang, China Beijing, folded by virtue of the Hugo Award,

After the three-body, female science fiction writers Hao Jingfang, China Beijing, folded by virtue of the Hugo Award,(《三体》之后,中国女科幻作家郝景芳凭借《北京折叠》获得雨果奖,)



After the three-body, female science fiction writers Hao Jingfang, China Beijing, folded by virtue of the Hugo-Hugo Awards, SF, three-body-IT information

Latest news, Chinese female science fiction writers Hao Jingfang, by virtue of its Beijing, folded, the 74th session of the Hugo Award. It is the of 2015, Liu cixin of the three-body won an award, the Chinese science fiction writer to win this award again.

It is reported that the World Science Fiction Convention August 17-21 in the United States held in Kansas. Of the Beijing, folded (also known as the collapse of the Beijing) science fiction Nebula Award Finalists in 2015, China, highly recognized by the experts, but unfortunately lost. This year's Hugo Award-winning entry in the Chinese author of many, including Liu cixin's of the dark forest, as well as science fiction writers Chen Qiufan, supported by the media for a long time, has unfortunately failed to break occurs.

In December 2012, Hao Jingfang she frequented Mizuki community released the first draft of this work of science fiction, and netizens have heated discussions continued to complete 14 published in the literary tours of the wind.

Hao Jingfang combines many years of life experience in Beijing, described the science fiction category is divided into three spaces of Beijing.

"Side of the Earth is the first space, 5 million people, survival time was from six o'clock in the morning to six o'clock in the morning the next day. Space hibernation, the Earth flipping. Flipped is the second and third space on the other side. Second life space with a population of 25 million, from the next day at six o'clock in the morning to ten at night, the third space there are 50 million people from ten to six o'clock in the morning, and then back to the first room. After careful planning and optimal allocation of careful isolation, 5 million people enjoy 24 hour, 75 million people enjoyed another 24 hours. "The author's level of detail and texture, in a science fiction setting under view, full of warm in human tragedy. In the third space garbage breakfast takes 100 blocks of the old knife, old knife 10,000 a month's wages, and he hopes to make his pick up candy to children, previous month 10,005 kindergarten tuition fees for this spending, he ventured to other messengers.

Hao Jingfang:

In 2006, graduated from Department of Physics of Tsinghua University, 2006-2008 studied at the Center for Astrophysics at Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University doctoral candidate in. The gushen fly won the Kyushu award in 2007 and the second "the star of the original" essay competition first prize, and won the 2007 of the grandmother's House in the summer of SF Galaxy readers nominate award of the science fiction world.

《三体》之后,中国女科幻作家郝景芳凭借《北京折叠》获得雨果奖 - 雨果奖,科幻,三体 - IT资讯








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