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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/24 6:43:57 Edit(编辑)
Tablets to Eclipse? 2014 Tablet phone hot wind,

Tablets to Eclipse? 2014 Tablet phone hot wind,(平板电脑要失势?2014年刮起平板手机热,)

Tablets to Eclipse?
2014 Tablet phone hot wind-slab phones, tablets, Samsung Note3, Nokia 1520, Nokia 1320, Samsung, Nokia,-IT information Tablet PC to change? 2014 Tablet phone blowing hot

Users all over the world like Tablet PCs, in particular the small-screen 7-inch or 8-inch Tablet , but this trend will last how long?

Techanalysis Research according to a new report user preferences change, tablets as soon as next year, out of favour. Experts believe that the flat cell phone (5.7 inch or 6.4-inch devices) will be the favorite next year.

Many manufacturers also has picked up the trend, have launched new products to cater to this trend. Samsung launches Galaxy Galaxy Mega and Note 3 series, Nokia also announced the Lumia1520 and the Lumia1320. More Tablet phone release is expected next year. New report indicates that much of smart phones sold this year is 5 inches or 5 inches above the phone.

Techanalysis Research also indicated that flat handset sales next year are expected to reach 175 million, 7 inches or 8 inches of small flat-panel screen sales were stable at 165 million. Although the gap is not very obvious, but over time, that gap will be gradually expanded.


平板电脑要失势?2014年刮起平板手机热 - 平板手机,平板电脑,三星Note3,诺基亚1520,诺基亚1320,三星,诺基亚 - IT资讯


Techanalysis Research最新报告称用户喜好有所变动,平板电脑最快于明年失宠。专家认为,平板手机(5.7英寸或6.4英寸的设备)将会成为明年的新宠。

许多厂商也已嗅出了这股趋势,纷纷推出新品来迎合这个潮流。三星便推出了Galaxy Note 3和Galaxy Mega系列产品,诺基亚也发布了Lumia1520和Lumia1320。预计明年会有更多的平板手机发布。新报告指出,今年售出的智能手机大部分为5英寸或5英寸以上的手机。

Techanalysis Research还表示,明年平板手机的销量预计会达1.75亿,7英寸或8英寸的小屏平板销量会稳定在1.65亿。虽然差距还不是很明显,但是随着时间的推移,想必这一差距会逐渐扩大。


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