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delv published in(发表于) 2013/11/8 9:51:51 Edit(编辑)
Next-generation electric vehicles: equipped with wireless rechargeable and lithium-air battery?

Next-generation electric vehicles: equipped with wireless rechargeable and lithium-air battery?(下一代电动汽车:配备无线充电和锂空气电池? )

Next-generation electric vehicles: equipped with wireless rechargeable and lithium-air battery? |
IT information network On July 15, 2013

Emerging technology consulting firm Enderle, President and principal analyst Rob Enderle said in United States sci-tech news site DigitalTrends published op-ed articles saying that electric cars since the end of the century coming out so far, battery capacity has been a problem for their development problems, and these days, many technologies will help find a solution in the market, were further developed.

Following is the article content:

Earlier in the last century, the first generation of electric vehicles available, but due to battery power, not comparable with the fuel tank, causing derail a large area for electric vehicles. Ten years ago, the carmaker Tesla (Tesla) led the massive second generation electric vehicles, battery earlier had resulted in significant improvements, but still continued to hinder the development of electric vehicles. Meanwhile, fuel economy has been improved significantly, thereby further exacerbating the difficulties of electric vehicles with fuel competition.

Although third-generation electric cars will get numerous improvements, but the most important improvement is the urgent need to address the energy issue. However, the market now has numerous technology eventually could help electric cars will fuel motor vehicle kicked off the playing field.

Inductive charging

Whether Smartphones or the electric vehicles, through Inductive charging technology and equipment without charge through a physical connection to the power supply can be. Funny thing is, although the Tesla electric car launched in 2003, and its leading competitor in every respect, but Nissan and Infiniti are the charging function will first be available companies. You know, auto Inductive charging technology was originally borrowed by Tesla Tesla Roadster that is known to all, but it does not seem to be attracted to Tesla was too keen on.

Qualcomm (Qualcomm) also has its own Inductive charging technology, known as the Halo, can be used for parking and interstate highways. This technique requires cars to maintain a close, but does not need to touch, as opposed to auto insert charging, this technique can be said to be a great improvement. Part of the improvement is, the device can be fully embedded, greatly reduced the damage, or may be "smattering" drivers to the potential for damage. In most cases, you have to do is Park the car, any of the energy consumption of your car for free and you will receive a list of energy consumption at the end of it.

Qualcomm is now promoting this technology unless the technology is on the way, otherwise, it is impossible for solving battery problems, however, can reduce the incidence of related problems, make charges more transparent and reliable. However, the technical standards are inconsistent would create problems, had earlier plagued the entire electric vehicle industry, no uniform standard means, you must find a vehicle you can charge in the parking lot, and road charging solution will not work. This is perhaps why Tesla pace.

Lithium-air batteries

IBM and other companies are developing a promising technology: lithium-air batteries, which can address the energy density of a fuel tank. Over the past few years, metallurgy has made substantial progress, based on technology of lithium-air battery can achieve in 10 years. If the batteries have same energy and fuel tank capacity, and have the same size, and can be used to replace the giant Tesla Tesla s battery, you probably know how to drive this car, then get quadruple miles. When running 1000 miles, you don't have too much to worry about charging plug. More likely is that engineers may use a smaller battery, lighter electric car prices lower. Plus Plug in more widespread, this might become the electric vehicle industry changer, showing that higher energy efficiency than gasoline.

Super capacitor (Supercapacitors and ultracapacitors)

Super capacitor battery replacement, in fact it has been applied to commercial vehicles. Capacitors are solid, it has an almost unlimited life cycle, capable of charging and discharging thousands of times, faster than lithium-ion batteries and will not cause injury. To some extent, capacitors and ordinary batteries are like Flash memory and hard disk, start Flash performance is better, but more expensive than a hard disk. Even iPod first hard drive. But as Flash memory prices to slide, its market share and higher, now the hard disk is being eliminated by the market.

It is unfortunate, early capacitors are still in transition. Now, the capacitor prices are very high, over a period of time charge would have failed, and its lower energy density than batteries. From the capacitor may not solve the electric energy in the near future, but like Flash memory, its price is expected to fall sharply, increased energy density, self-discharge rate will also be improved. However, the capacitor is used in hybrid power plant, users can quickly fully charged capacitor within minutes, then the capacitor will automatically charge the battery on the way users drive.

Where is the next Tesla?

Here I am referring to is not a Tesla in this company, but Tesla this man, he died early, and his death was probably caused by a mysterious death ray, he studied radio energy. Intel and other companies had been trying to break into this area, but running on their personal electronic devices were to be achieved, there is still a long way to go, you want this technology to be able to use on the car, perhaps to wait for decades. However, as soon as the technology developed, it will be able to solve electric car battery problems forever, at that time, we will live in a world of electric, and we will encounter some health issues need to be addressed: glow in the dark it was a cool idea, but we need to avoid the "death ray" part. In any case, I agree that radio energy will promise an era of electric cars forever arrived.

Via: Tencent technology

(下一代电动汽车:配备无线充电和锂空气电池? | IT资讯网






无论是智能手机还是电动汽车,通过感应充电技术,设备无需通过物理连接至电源便可进行充电。有趣的是,虽然泰斯拉在2003年便推出了电动汽车,而且其在各方面都领先与竞争对手,但尼桑和英菲尼迪却是将首批提供该充电功能的汽车厂商。要知道,汽车感应充电技术最初就是借由泰斯拉的Tesla Roadster为众人所知,但却似乎没有吸引到泰斯拉太大兴趣。




IBM和其他企业正在研发一项很有前景的技术:锂空气电池,其能处理一个油箱的能量密度。在过去的几年里,冶金术取得了重大进步,让基于锂空气技术的电池能够在10年内实现。如果说,电池拥有与油箱同样的能量容量,且体积大小相同,可以用来替换泰斯拉Tesla S的巨型电池组,你或许会开这辆车,然后让里程翻两番。开行到1000英里时,你不需要过多的担心充电插头。更有可能的是,工程师们或许会使用一个更小的电池,让电动汽车更轻售价更低。加上充电插头更加普遍,这项几乎或许会成为电动汽车行业的规则颠覆者,显示出比汽油更高的能源效率。








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