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published in(发表于) 2016/6/1 8:05:37 Edit(编辑)
Microsoft CEO nadelazheng visited China, antitrust issues will be discussed,

Microsoft CEO nadelazheng visited China, antitrust issues will be discussed,(微软CEO纳德拉正访华,将讨论反垄断调查问题,)



Microsoft CEO nadelazheng visited China, antitrust issues to be discussed-Barnard, antitrust-IT information

IT information news on May 31, after following the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, Microsoft CEO Nader also came to China. A Microsoft spokesman said on Tuesday, the company CEO satiya·Nadela (Satya Nadella) is in Beijing this week to visit China.

People familiar with the matter said, Nader is expected to meet with Chinese Government officials to discuss antitrust investigation .?In January, the Administration for industry and Commerce said had investigated Microsoft official anti-trust inquiry, survey of the General requirements relating to electronic data explains part of the problem. China's antitrust investigations of Microsoft nearly a third year, and China's State administration for industry and commerce in the middle of 2014, check the antitrust assault on Microsoft Office. Microsoft says that investigations relate to Windows and Office software compatibility, bundling, and file validation issues.

Nadela had visited China in September 2014, happened to be in the antitrust investigation after revelations, at that time, Nadela met with administration for industry and Commerce Director Zhang Mao in Beijing, and pledged to fully cooperate with the investigations of the Administration for industry and commerce.

A Microsoft spokesman declined to confirm whether Nader will meet with government officials, said Nadela's current visit to China will participate in the 2016 Microsoft Developer Summit, Tsinghua University School of Economics and management activities, worthy of mention is the Nadela is member of the Advisory Board of the Tsinghua School of economics.

微软CEO纳德拉正访华,将讨论反垄断调查问题 - 纳德拉,反垄断 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 5月31日消息,继苹果CEO蒂姆库克之后,微软CEO纳德拉也来中国了。微软发言人周二表示,公司CEO萨提亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)本周正在北京访华。

知情人士称,纳德拉预计将会见中国政府官员讨论反垄断调查。 今年1月,工商总局表示,已对微软有关负责人进行反垄断询问调查,要求其就总局调查获取的有关电子数据的部分问题进行说明。 目前中国对微软的反垄断调查接近第三年,中国国家工商行政管理总局在2014年年中对微软办事处进行了反垄断突击检查。微软称,调查涉及Windows和Office软件的兼容性、捆绑销售以及文件验证问题。



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