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published in(发表于) 2016/3/28 6:28:09 Edit(编辑)
Romania shirt math exam, the Narrator cries,

Romania shirt math exam, the Narrator cries,(罗马尼亚球衣考算术,解说员看哭,)



Romania shirt arithmetic test, the Narrator cries-football, math-IT information

If a person is on a relatively simple math errors, generally joked that he is a PE teacher to teach math because in everyone's mind sports mainly on a person's physical fitness and has little to do with intelligence. In fact, during the training process, any sport needs the brain, especially team sports even more so. Today, the football came from news that estimated Narrator sees will go mad.

According to Sina sports reported that on March 28, Romania with Spain team wear special jerseys, jerseys behind the number is used by mathematical formulas are calculated. It is reported that the move is to improve Romania children's interest in mathematics, statistics show that Romania's dropout rate is as high as 18%, is one of the highest in the EU.

Comments from users:

Chen Xiaowei AI: announcer: now we see, Romania 2, 3, 6. 6th player passes the ball, 2, 2, 4+2 6. 6th player! Hold on, just the 18th player! Pony, a cocked hat!

Pei Yangji: Narrator much reaction, graduate degree ...

5 micron _xiaome art: high number of geometric calculus functions, you can include, anyway I do not understand

Fire fire fire fire: watching, please bring your own calculator

罗马尼亚球衣考算术,解说员看哭 - 足球,数学 - IT资讯








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