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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/4/27 6:03:37 Edit(编辑)
Lei won the “top ten philanthropists“ title: charity road dates back to 20 years ago,

Lei won the “top ten philanthropists“ title: charity road dates back to 20 years ago,(雷军获“中国十大慈善家”称号:慈善之路可追溯到20年前,)



Lei won the "top ten philanthropists" title: road to charity can be traced back 20 years ago-Lei, philanthropist, charity-IT information

Href = "" target= "_blank" >IT information, April 26 the 14th China philanthropy list today (April 26) afternoon in Beijing. Millet, founder, Chairman and CEO Lei was awarded "China top ten philanthropist".

About charity, Lei believes that everyone's situation is different, and give back to the community's most important is not the amount of money, but in good faith with attitude. Will continue in the future, within the limits of their capacity, actively contribute to the community.

China philanthropy list published since 2004 on an annual basis, in order to find the power of example, for the purpose of carrying forward the spirit of the modern public service.

Lei charity road dating back to 1997. Lei in 1991 graduated from Wuhan University, 6 years later in 1997 donated 140,000 yuan to his alma mater, has set up a "soar scholarship", and later established the "Lei computer scholarship" and "Lei scholarship". Since then, Lei several times contributed to the Alma Mater, most recently on October 20 last year, Lei donated RMB 99,999,999 to help his alma mater building covers an area of 35,000 square meters of building is expected.

It is understood that the Lei's charity did not stay on the donation, he concerns of vulnerable groups in society, continued donations to help them improve their lives. On May 31, 2016, the Lei to Zhuhai City Charity Federation donated 200,000 yuan for Zhuhai school buy books, computers and other supplies for the children of migrant workers. On December 16, 2016, yangchun Lei donated 100,000 yuan to help double daojiao town roads, renovation of schools to build a cultural building, transformation of mud-brick buildings, improving villagers ' living conditions.

Social major disaster, Lei actively assume the social responsibility of entrepreneurs, do their best to help people affected by the disaster. On April 20, 2013, ya a 7-magnitude earthquake in Sichuan, touched the hearts of all people, donated 1 million Lei the first time, for earthquake relief. On August 3, 2014, the 6.5-magnitude earthquake in ludian County in Yunnan province, donated 1 million Lei the first time. On August 4, 2014, Lei by Kaohsiung City Government Bureau of Social Affairs social assistance account donation of NT $1 million, for the rescue of gas explosion victims in Kaohsiung. In 2016, Wuhan and xiantao have flooding, not only donated 550,000 yuan Lei, Bao donated 550,000 yuan worth of charging and LED lights.

Remove outside donations and donations in kind, to Lei was personally involved in the charity event. In August 2014, Lei ice bucket challenge host Yuri, poured a bucket of ice water over the next, and donated $100 to the American ALS Association, and China's "porcelain doll rare disease community care Fund" ALS project donated 10,000 yuan. In online triggered many users concerned about the matter.

雷军获“中国十大慈善家”称号:慈善之路可追溯到20年前 - 雷军,慈善家,慈善 - IT资讯

href="" target="_blank">IT资讯4月26日消息 第十四届中国慈善榜今天(4月26日)下午在北京发布。小米公司创始人、董事长兼CEO雷军荣获“中国十大慈善家”称号。







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