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published in(发表于) 2016/11/6 9:49:15 Edit(编辑)
Shenzhen uncovered large Internet stock fraud: using software sham transactions,

Shenzhen uncovered large Internet stock fraud: using software sham transactions,(深圳破获特大网络股票诈骗案:用软件虚假交易,)



Shenzhen uncovered large Internet stock fraud: using software sham transactions, one decorated corner-IT information

On November 6, a few days ago, the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau detected a serious network fraud, predominating deceived the people involved 35,000 people, involving more than 400 million Yuan . According to the investigation, suspect false company as cover, through team development customers, entice customers to use fake software the purpose of fraud.

Transnational crime groups of hundreds of people in many purposes of fraud

Not long ago, the woman who lives in Shenzhen under the recommendation of a fellow, into a network share broadcast classroom lectures. Before long, analysts began recommending in the classroom a place called "Wheelock the international" the stock investment arm, said the institution is incorporated outside the listed company, and I made a lot of money.

Help all kinds of people in the classroom of persuasion, seduction, downloaded the stock analysts said Ms platform. However, less than half a month, she lost 50,000 yuan. Ms Fang realized that he had been deceived, she reported to the local police station.

After receiving the alarm, Public Security Bureau of Shenzhen Nanshan branch of economic investigation team conducting an investigation into the case, judge the perpetrators is a transnational criminal groups. On May 18, this illegal operation of securities, incorporated Internet fraud in Nanshan, Shenzhen.

Police found suspected in connection with the company is located in New Zealand in a group, set server by outside, the so-called development software stocks – Tak Fung international wealth, Le Conte, CITIC international, advocates a two-way operation (the long and the short), T+0,20 times leverage advantage, and bogus stock funds by the New Zealand Government and other information, bargains in China development agents.

Agents team and arrange for sales through mutual friend QQ customer development, in the name of learning on stocks, to draw customers into the QQ Group and live video. Agent member acts as a lecturer, according to Division of labor analysts, clients, roles, touting the technology group of lecturers in stocks to entice customers.

In practice, however, when customers download software stocks, opening an account, tied up when trader account, the software is not real trading stock and calculated than leverage magnified 20 times to charge customers high fees, overnight fees of up to 6% per day, resulting in many serious losses in the short term.

With further investigation, a New Zealand group led by den distribution of provinces in China, involved hundreds of people, the use of software stocks trading cross-border fraud ring surface.

In August, police in Beijing, Shijiazhuang, Qingdao, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Huizhou, joint NET action, destroyed dens of stock fraud and 16 control suspects involved 369 people, detained suspects 101, master deceived the people involved 35,000 people, involving more than 400 million Yuan.

One fake plays multiple roles, to fake software fraud

Nanshan District, Shenzhen City Public Security Bureau economic investigation police introduced Hu Xiaokai, a criminal group is very well organized, and by New Zealand in a group control of domestic agents responsible for expanding the fraud business, agents employees, including technicians, instructors and salesman. Criminal groups are more commonly lines of single line contact, using a pseudonym, without each other's true identity, and how to pay in the form of cash every month to destroy the book and other important information.

Meanwhile, the gang in Korea leased servers to ensure control over the core data and arrange technician maintenance software, Shijiazhuang, Qingdao, and quotes.

A salesperson when conducting business, often posing as stock market investors, log on the same computer more QQ accounts trainer touted stock level with each other. The salesman and usually there will be no stock market experience packaged into so-called stock market experts, national security analysts and lure investment. Most transactions through a third-party payment platforms.

The suspect just turned 20 years old this year Xu said: "the salesman must set a clear role, name, family, residential address, and even cars, tables are about, so as to win the trust of customers. "Xu's identity is a stock analyst in live classroom, but in fact he never graduated from College, there is no stock market experience.

Meanwhile, the fraud ring core operators have a strong professional ability. "Deceived by software stocks stock trading operation in the process, their illegal control of software data in the background, hidden charge high fees, victims suffered huge losses. "The police said.

The gang members from the customer's losses--including fees, overnight fees and stock market losses, according to the 0.2%-2% interest and commissions. Customer losses much higher percentage of gang members. Once the victim losses without additional investment funds, salesman and instructor directly in a QQ Group pulled the victim black and lost.

New financial crimes needs to be strengthened supervision

Experts believe that rising financial needs of the people today, new network financial crimes needs to be better regulated. "Criminal suspects use of asymmetric information, make up and brag about the profitability of overseas financial management, lack of investor expertise and vigilance of fraud. "Law school of Renmin University Professor Liu junhai said.

During the investigation police found that fraudsters use false information to register account, binding non-real-name bank card transfer stolen money. They registered in Beijing by the two larger third party payment companies trading in the industry. Which exposed a number of third-party payment platform vulnerability audits of company accounts is not strict.

"Low safety standards of some third-party payment platform, network system construction lagged, even assist Police enquiries at capital flows and accurate information about merchant and transaction status. "The police said.

Liu junhai said, people's Bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission and other financial regulators should join forces with the third party payment platform to eliminate regulatory blind spot. On the security standards of third party payment companies not to be punished.

Meanwhile, some large Internet platform on the Internet financial role of cases should also attract attention. Some portal sites and even published on the "Wheelock the international" financial news, which also endorsed on the fraud ring.

Guangdong southern lawyer with Fred Rankin believes that consumer associations and other institutions at all levels should promptly publish investment risk to alert consumers to advocate on the network's high yield financing, foreign financing and to remain vigilant.

深圳破获特大网络股票诈骗案:用软件虚假交易,一人饰多角 - IT资讯

























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