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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/3/7 7:18:13 Edit(编辑)
Promotion of rice to attract customers, gangs stealing consumers ’ bank card of 800,000 yuan,

Promotion of rice to attract customers, gangs stealing consumers ’ bank card of 800,000 yuan,(靠促销大米吸引顾客,团伙盗窃消费者银行卡80万元,)



Promotion of rice to attract customers, gangs stealing 800,000 yuan-fraudulent consumers bank card, the card-IT information

The afternoon of March 5, from xinmi city, Henan province, the Public Security Bureau was informed that the police after more than a month of investigation, knocked out a promotion activities under the cover of cross-border fraudulent customers of bank card fraud ring. The case damaged the new mass as more than 40 people, involving more than 800,000 yuan. Police collection from the gang's hideout instrumentalities POS machine 5, phone service over more than 30, for sale signs, banners and other amounts to more than 60 pieces. At present, the involved suspects Ma Mouxiu, Liu Hai, Wang Dan, the three men, has been detained by police.

Police counted the fraud ring that paid off handsomely.

Before the Spring Festival, they are cheap to buy promotional rice oil trap

Before the Chinese new year, January 7 (Cross Jordan) to 13th (16), a group of men on the streets of new play a branded supermarket in Zhengzhou brand promotion activities.

These cards, wore a mall person chest, claiming to be the first in a new made through the promotion of market research, if sales are good, to the supermarket after driving here.

In the promotional activities, the Group launched the goods only rice and cooking oil, a 5 kg bag of rice and a pot 5 liter cooking oil, prices are 11.7 Yuan. The promoter said, rice and oil cannot be bought, per person, per purchase, not cash, you must brush card check.

"A bag of rice on the market, at least 30 yuan, a pot of the same cooking oil, take forty or fifty Yuan, sold 11.7 Yuan, too cheap. "The victim said, when many people will be in a where can I buy cheap rice and edible oil, gather around and thought it was pie in the sky. Don't accept cash only credit card requirements, there is no doubt, that is your money, paid in what way does not matter.

"For a few days, especially many people to buy rice and oil, packed promotional booth. Some people in order to get some more, a few mouthfuls take turns lining up to buy. "Zhang said, so that they did not expect was that starting from the new year's Eve, all the way to the second day of the first month, there have been more than more than 40 members of the public at about 2 o'clock at night, receive a SMS notification to consumer Bank, said their bank card the card in some European countries, and more than once.

Are credit card in Hong Kong, at least be brushed away more than 1000 Yuan, many people were brushed away more than 10,000 yuan, up Elaine, was brushed away by more than 130,000 yuan.

At first, these people just believe that their bank cards were fraudulent, then ask about, there are many people just like yourself, the money in the bank card stolen was inexplicable.

"We don't have to go abroad or to shop abroad, bank cards in their hands, hey how are people brush their money go? "Zhang said after we carefully recalls, occurred before the Spring Festival in the street by credit card to purchase promotional booth on the rice and oil, were suspected to be taken in, went to the police.

Police led smashing fraud ring

After the xinmi Public Security Bureau criminal investigation Brigade received a report of a squadron, the case is considered significant, immediately report to the Bureau, and requested the Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau cyber-security monitoring team to assist.

After investigation, and upon inquiry, the evidence of victims, police initially mastered the characteristics and actions of the suspect track. The morning of February 5, Huaiyang police learned that suspects in the street the same promotion when fraud, immediately went to catch, being peddled on the streets rice, oil on the spot Wang Dan arrested.

After interrogation, Wang confessed he just hired Dan, credit card promotion for people on the street. On February 25, Wang Dan, together with the police in a hotel in Zhengzhou city, captured the employment of Wang Dan's Ma and Liu Hai. After days of interrogation and investigation, the case finally see.

Organised according to police officers in the case description: in early January of this year, Taiwan's Chen d through networking, Guangxi, met Liao of Puyang, and the sea horse. Chen Victoria put forward, before the Spring Festival with their partners to do "big business". He financed were bought by horse, Liao Erren modified POS machine, bank cards, semiconductor trumpet, items such as rice and oil, and then let the Ma and Liao hired people to different areas for fraud. Two people then hired Huaiyang Wang Dan with the promise that their daily wage of 200 Yuan, subsidy of 200 Yuan, selling a bag of rice or a pot of oil Commission 5 Yuan. From January 7 to 13th, Wang Dan with his relatives, travelled to Xinxiang, Zhengzhou air harbor zone, xinmi city and other places "sales".

According to Ma, Liao Erren instructions, Wang Dan at the time of credit card, first put your bank card into the POS machine pull it out and then inserted into the brush. The move does not raise doubts in customers, but when the first card, their bank card number and password has been stolen, the second is the brush money payment. Only the new, there are more than 40 people were brushed away money on bank cards, up to more than 800,000 yuan.

Yesterday morning, the suspect Ma Mouxiu, Liu Hai, Wang Dan has been detained. Cases involving more than one region, police are trying to arrest Taiwanese Chen dimension of manipulation behind the scenes.

Police reminded the public, not pie in the sky, do not covet cheap suffer heavy losses.

靠促销大米吸引顾客,团伙盗窃消费者银行卡80万元 - 盗刷,银行卡 - IT资讯




















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