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published in(发表于) 2016/6/4 6:49:24 Edit(编辑)
Alternative still life photographer: death interpretation of beauty,

Alternative still life photographer: death interpretation of beauty,(另类静物摄影:用死亡演绎美丽,)



Alternative still life photographer: death interpretation of beauty-photography, death-IT information

Death in most people's eyes are horrible and sad, but even the imaginative photographers rarely mined death on the other side.

Recently, the artist and photographer, Kimberly Witham was designed to shoot a group of still life works with animals, but the animal was not the creature in the photo but have no samples. You might think that kill small animals to photograph some cruel, but in fact these animals are gathered by the photographers on her way home every day for a variety of animals died, photographer they made into specimens, their photograph, then buried them.

Kimberly Witham that death can bring about a second life, in addition to the squirrels and birds, she has also discovered the bodies of animals such as rabbit, quail and duck, and in a solemn attitude of these animals, in the process also allows the photographer began to reflect on the relationship between humans and animals.

In the old Victorian, wildlife protection awareness does not exist, men like animals made into specimens through hunting and as a symbol of their wealth, while women are willing to put the whole animal or on the wings of a bird on your head as accessories. While the photographer does not agree with this approach, she would only use animals that have died for artistic creation.

另类静物摄影:用死亡演绎美丽 - 摄影,死亡 - IT资讯


近日,艺术家兼摄影师Kimberly Witham别出心裁地拍摄了一组静物与动物的作品,然而照片中的动物却并非活物而是已经没有了生命的标本。或许大家会觉得杀死小动物来拍照有些残忍,但实际上这些动物都是摄影师在每天回家的路上收集到的因各种意外而死亡的动物,摄影师将他们制作成标本、为他们拍照,然后再将他们掩埋。

Kimberly Witham认为死亡能够带来第二次生命,除了松鼠和小鸟,她也曾发现兔子、鹌鹑和鸭子等动物的尸体,并以一种庄严的心态处理这些动物,在这个过程中,也让摄影师开始反思人与动物间的关系。


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