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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/22 9:34:18 Edit(编辑)
Dong mingzhu yinlong holdings to 10%, buy 7.46% equity to spend 1 billion yuan last year,

Dong mingzhu yinlong holdings to 10%, buy 7.46% equity to spend 1 billion yuan last year,(董明珠增持银隆至10%,去年买7.46%股权花费10亿元,)



Dong mingzhu yinlong holdings to 10%, bought 7.46% shares last year to spend 1 billion yuan-Dong mingzhu, yinlong, gree-IT information

February 20 evening, gree electrical (000651,SZ) released announcement said, to cut new energy car industry chain, and storage can and battery manufacturing equipment field, build new of industry growth, company intends and Zhuhai silver long new energy limited (following referred to Zhuhai silver long) signed cooperation agreement, in intelligent equipment, and mold, and casting, and car air conditioning, and motor electric control, and new energy car, and storage can, field for cooperation, to a annual for a cycle, Priority purchase of the mutual and total amount of no more than 20 billion yuan. However, both sides also drew attention from Shenzhen Stock Exchange of letters.

The daily economic news reporters also noted, gree electric appliances in the bulletin also revealed that Dong mingzhu, Chairman and President of the company's current Zhuhai yinlong stake to 10%. In mid-December last year, Dong mingzhu, an individual investment for shares for the first time in Zhuhai yinlong, subsequently zyd (002441,SZ) on December 31 Zhuhai yinlong, the transfer of shares announcement which revealed that long Dong silver stake in Zhuhai 7.46% stake. In other words, Dong this year again increased the investment in Zhuhai yinlong, enhancing the personal stake.

To be 20 billion cooperation agreement signed

According to the announcement, signed a cooperation agreement designed to help smooth gree more effectively into the new energy automobile industry chain, storage, and battery manufacturing equipment, build a green new industry growth areas, fields and levels. This partnership, will be based on actual business needs of both sides, respectively to sign specific contracts, to the Zhuhai gree electric and its subsidiaries yinlong electric air conditioning, mold, motor control, cables, electronic components and casting products and services. According to gree notice, which shall also be submitted to shareholders.

Gree electric appliances, said in a bulletin, this related party transaction does not damage the interests of the company and shareholders, upon successful completion of the transaction is expected to bring about a significant increase in operating income for the company. In addition to the signing of the cooperation agreement, but to disclose earlier this year, gree electric appliances with Zhuhai yinlong cumulative total amounts of related party transactions that have occurred around 1.95 billion yuan.

In fact, with Zhuhai gree electric appliances yinlong of the collaboration is not without warning. In early February this year, gree electric appliances and the Tianjin Municipal Government, Zhuhai yinlong parties signed a framework agreement on strategic cooperation, hand in hand in Tianjin to build China's advanced smart appliances, smart services, new energy battery and automobile industrial base. Gree electric appliances was also confirmed to the newspaper into the automotive air conditioning, automotive products and other automotive products.

However, the notice of related party transactions disclosed less than a day, on February 21 Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued a letter of concern of gree electric appliances.

Shenzhen gree required cooperation related to the content of the risk analysis, and supplementary disclosures this year associated with yinlong in Zhuhai is expected to have normal trading circumstances, related party transactions for the year on the actual occurrence, 2017 all kinds of related party transactions are expected amount of rationality and Zhuhai yinlong compliance capabilities, and so on.

Dong mingzhu, increasing its stake to 10%

Worth noting is that announcement also revealed that Dong mingzhu of gree electrical appliances personal stake in Zhuhai yinlong of latest information. Gree electric appliances, said Dong for Zhuhai yinlong shareholders, share is 10%.

On December 15 last year, Wanda and other 4 companies and Dong mingzhu, personal and capital increase agreement signed with Zhuhai yinlong, joint capital of 3 billion yuan, access 22.388%, yinlong, Zhuhai shares, Dong has not disclosed his personal contributions and ownership. But Xinhua noted that on December 31 last year for the stake in Zhuhai, a transfer yinlong announcement revealed that Dong yinlong in Zhuhai at the stake at 7.46% (
Href = "" target= "_blank" >IT News Editor's Note: at that time there were rumours Dong mingzhu, an individual investment of 1 billion yuan).

That is, after all this time, Dong mingzhu, a personal once again increased the investment in the Zhuhai yinlong, increased its stake to 10%.

2016 when the stake in Zhuhai yinlong, Dong said, "today, I am willing to take all of my assets into the silver augmentation to. "Personal stake again, Dong energy's resolve is evident.

According to the Zhuhai gree electric appliances disclosed yinlong unaudited financial data show that Zhuhai yinlong 2016 revenues of 7.9 billion yuan and net profit of 840 million Yuan, by the end of last year, Zhuhai yinlong to 19.13 billion yuan in total assets.

Reporter learned that, in the field of new energy, Zhuhai yinlong lithium-titanate battery is not a mainstream product, although the capital come into, but the industry was still on the market is not too promising.

New energy auto industry research center of CCID consulting General Manager Wu Hui told reporters that lithium titanate battery energy density are the characteristics of small, fast charge, because of short battery life time, lithium titanate is likely to use on the new energy buses, cars are less likely to use in other areas, the current majority view in the industry is still, lithium titanate battery market is limited. However, since lithium titanate battery manufacturers in China are not much, although the market is small, but the competition has yet to be felt.

董明珠增持银隆至10%,去年买7.46%股权花费10亿元 - 董明珠,银隆,格力 - IT资讯











而去年12月15日,万达集团等4家企业以及董明珠个人同时与珠海银隆签署增资协议,共同增资30亿元,获得珠海银隆22.388%的股权时,董明珠方面并未对外透露个人出资额以及持股比例。不过记者注意到,去年12月31日众业达的一份转让珠海银隆部分股权的公告中透露,董明珠当时对珠海银隆的持股比例为7.46%(href="" target="_blank">IT资讯编辑注:当时有传闻称董明珠个人投资10亿元)。






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