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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/14 8:25:58 Edit(编辑)
Japanese media said China hopes to become first supercomputing power, 9 times faster than Japan times

Japanese media said China hopes to become first supercomputing power, 9 times faster than Japan times(日媒称中国有希望成为超级计算第一强国,比日本快9倍)



Japanese media said China hopes to become first supercomputing power, 9 times faster than Japan-supercomputer, Super is-IT information

Japanese monthly magazine zhenglun February issue article, entitled ' why not allow Chinese Super fields have an overwhelming advantage.

Article said that in recent years, the Chinese Super has taken the lead in the world. In the recently released top 500 supercomputer performance charts, supercomputers, China eight times in a row (four-year) tops . As of 2015 top spot of continuously for three years, "Tianhe second" processor is basically manufactured in the United States. June 2016, however, topped the list of the first names of "power light ? Taihu" is relying on China's own technology production, thus giving a great impact on the world. Also, if the "shenwei ? Bank of light" to use Taiwan's most advanced semiconductor manufacturing technology, its performance will be two to three times current levels. In other words, in artificial situations , their speed and still meet the 2011 world's fastest speed of Japan super is "Beijing" about 9 times . Chinese Super technology must not be underestimated.

For China, "power light ? Taihu" win is just the first step. Japan and the United States respectively, planned for 2022 and 2023-2024 manufactured speed equivalent to "Beijing" 100 times the next-generation super computer. And China's goal is 2019-2020, the ultra is also developed three equal speed. Due to the simultaneous development of a completely different design models, behind Japan and the United States, China and Europe, and in the process of developing a new generation of ultra is a power with a landslide.

Article said that China has made it clear that "Thirteen-Five" during the use of supercomputers, involves energy, military, security, food, health care and life sciences, national and social issues such as pollution and natural disasters. Although China has made so far in response to these responses in the field of individual, but inefficient and spend a lot of time and money. Once the new development is completed, these issues will be resolved in one fell swoop, so to focus on research and development. Which say that shocked the country.

And in the field of artificial intelligence, China invested Japan can not be compared. In fact, venture capital in recent years, China has surged to 100 times that of Japan.

Due to the large population base in China, has many talents, investment in artificial intelligence, this development may appear "China's unipolar world."

Super is on the issue of research and development, China is likely to set out clear objectives in the most efficient way to positive critical. For Japan, it must recognize China's threat.

Article says"Super is power = power" era is coming . During this process, if China has successfully developed a new generation of work soon, even the United States is far behind China's unipolar world will appear.

日媒称中国有希望成为超级计算第一强国,比日本快9倍 - 超级计算机,超算 - IT资讯









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