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published in(发表于) 2016/12/6 7:37:04 Edit(编辑)
Russia has developed a stealth radio station, said the technology “only Russia“

Russia has developed a stealth radio station, said the technology “only Russia“(俄罗斯已研发出隐形无线电台,称这项技术“全世界仅俄罗斯有”)



Russia has developed a stealth radio station, said the technology "only Russia"-IT information

Russia Izvestia reported on December 5, Russian Defence Ministry has tested radio that uses microwave radiation to transmit information, the technology is unique in the world.

According to reports, the latest "emeralds" system can not only transmit voice information and numerical data, you can also control the UAVs, robots, and air defense systems . Enemy's electronic surveillance equipment is not able to detect "emeralds" signal function cannot be differentiated from the natural noise of the signal.

Picture is for reference only

Russia Air Defense Military Academy Professor Zaitsev told the Izvestia daily said: "the prototype of the system have shown China's Defence Minister shoigu, according to his request, was tested in the presence of representatives of the headquarters. Test results show that the devices ' covert ' performance. "" Emerald "system used in the range of 1 to 10 km, wavelength range from 200 to 1000 MHz, before the data transfer speed of nearly 3 thousand per second. These performance indicators can be guaranteed can perform thousands of transmissions between devices.

It was reported that the liaison equipment currently manufactured using microwave irradiation technology priority areas is the development of control system of developed countries in the world.

The News newspaper quoted Kozyulin a Professor of military science, reported: "only Russia currently produce ' real ', and successfully tested. If previously ordinary radio signals can be found in 15 kilometers, so ' Emerald ' can be positioned within 30 km of the system. Will be available in the near future, ' Emerald ' system established on the basis of ' invisible ' liaison equipment, from individual miniature radios to sophisticated remote communication and information exchange systems.

俄罗斯已研发出隐形无线电台,称这项技术“全世界仅俄罗斯有” - IT资讯







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